Woof! (Werewolf!Hau)

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Gladion's POV

Everything was so strange today. Hau wouldn't ever really get too close to me, or stay too long whenever we bumped into each other. He was avoiding me all day. The thought made me... annoyed, but I couldn't help but think that maybe he deserved a little break from me.

Maybe I was annoying him? Or just being a nuisance in general? I had no idea, but he's never done this before. Hau was always so sweet and outgoing, and most of all, social. Maybe too social, even. Sometimes he annoyed me so much that I wanted to slap him clean across the face. That jerk.

I huff a little under my breath, stuffing my face with the malasada I bought on impulse. I didn't usually eat these things, but for whatever reason, I was craving them.

A lot.

This was my third one today. Lillie came over to check on me earlier. She said I was stress eating, and should probably stop, but I didn't listen. I ignored her until she gave up and walked off to who knows where.

Unfortunately, now I know where she went, because I saw a worried looking Hau searching the area. Panicking, I sink in my seat, my head on the actual seat part. He was the last person I wanted to see when I was doing something like this.

It was a long moment of anxious silence. Then, when I finally rose my head to check if Hau was gone, I was confronted with him face to face, his nose centimeters away from mine.

"Found you!" Hau grinned, but I couldn't help but notice his sharp teeth. I was always curious about them. When I asked, he always changed the subject. Growling, I sit on my seat properly, embarrassed from being caught.

"... What do you want?" I grumble, sending him a glare, but it had more meaning behind my usual sour ones. I was glaring at him for good reason this time. He knew this, because I could see his smile falter slightly.

"Ah..." He scratched his cheek nervously. "Yeah. So, Lillie told me that you were sulking at the Malasada Shop here..." "Sulking? I am not sulking. Àsshole.." I mumbled, but it was contradictory. I was sulking anyway.

Hau smiled warmly at me. Not his overbearingly cheery smiles, but one of his closed mouth, gentle and sweet ones. I could feel my skin prickle with heat and my heart start to beat violently. I hate him.

"I'm... really, really sorry, Gladion. I didn't know this would upset you so much. I just don't want you to see me any differently than you do now," He set his elbows on the table and leaned forward, making me lean back in my seat to regain my personal space. Hau didn't mind. He just grabbed my hands, "If I tell you why I was... kind of.. avoiding everybody... then..."

His face fell. He held my hands tighter, pulling on them slightly. "Come on. I'd rather tell you and risk it than have you hate me without knowing why I do the things I do."

For once, he was serious. He looked serious, spoke serious, everything. I just stared at him for a moment until finally nodding my head. He laughed a little. I realize he's laughing at my dumbfounded expression, so I cut it out and avert my gaze. "Shut up already, don't get all serious like that, you're scaring me."

I hiss, snatching my hands away from his and brushing them off on my shirt in an over-exaggerating way. Even so, I stand up, shoving my hands in my pockets and waiting for Hau to lead the way.

Hau lights up, grinning like his usual self and linking his arm with my own. "Alright! Let's go, then, your highness~" "Stop that." "As you wish, m'lord!" "Hau, what the hell."

Despite him annoying me, I let him drag me along. I'm relieved. He isn't avoiding me for bad reason after all.

Not that I care.

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