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(For this one, please don't be critical. I don't like how this one turned out. I was in a bad place, and I just wanted to squeeze something out, so the story and ideas are all over the place. It's only here because I put too much effort into it to delete it)

Hau's P.O.V.

I've been noticing something for quite a while. I don't even think Gladion realizes it, but everything he does is almost... Ah.. Odd. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes I have to excuse myself and hit my head against a tree outside five miles away, but it's fine!


Recently, I've been thinking it's because I'm in love with him... but that wouldn't be right. Would it? I've never liked a guy before. I don't even think Gladion likes guys. I just feel kind of drawn to him? I don't know.

It can be something he says, or something he's doing. What else would it be? For example, now. He's eating a Malasada, and I'm sitting in front of him, Moon beside me and Lillie beside him.

He just looks adorable. Gladion eats messily, but that's what's cute about it. He's trying to look mature and take big bites, but the sweet is just too big to do that. It's like he's challenging it.

"Hau? Hello?" Lillie leans across the table to wave a hand in my face. Apparently, I've been staring at Gladion for a long time, because his face is visibly flushed red, and he stopped eating.

I smile awkwardly and take a bite of my malasada, "Sorry..! I just spaced out... a lot's been on my mind, actually." Lillie looks at me worriedly, settling back into her seat.

"Really? Are you alright?" I nod, relaxing a bit to help reassure her. "I'm fine, Lillie. Honest!" Moon points at Gladion's face, where a bit of his malasada's filling was clinging to the corner of his mouth. "Gladion, you got a bit of something right there. You're such a messy eater.."

I grin, watching Gladion pause before aggressively wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "I am not! Be quiet!" He snapped, making Moon and Lillie giggle.

I lean over and poke his forehead. "Join the dark side~" "Shut up, Hau." "Come on, the dark side eats sloppy and nobody cares!" "I don't eat sloppy!" He kicked my leg from under the table, making me wince. "Ow!... You're so mean!"

He snickers maliciously at my pouting, "I know." The kind of smile he sent me made me shudder uncomfortably. "Stop being creepyyyy..!" I huff, stuffing my face with the malasada again.

He stops his weird smile, and his face falls slightly; He's embarrassed. "... I was trying to smile."

The whole table kind of freezes. Moon awkwardly takes quick bites of her food, eyes wide and a nervous smile on her face. Lillie rubs Gladion's back comfortingly(albeit very quickly), assuring him that the smile wasn't creepy at all, despite that being very much untrue.

It was kind of my fault. Whoops. I sink in my seat, sliding until my knees touch the table stand. I hide my face in my hands, feeling very guilty. After another five minutes of this awkward aftermath of something I said, I don't feel Moon uncomfortably squirming in her seat anymore, or hear Lillie trying to make Gladion feel better. It's all quiet.

Slowly, I uncover my eyes, revealing two, bright, emerald green eyes looking at me. If I didn't know any better, I would've said they were glowing. I knew they weren't. The color of Gladion's eyes was just so amazing.

"Hau?" He mumbles, leaning forward a bit, "Are you alright?" I just look at him for a moment, and then I nod. "Ah.. yes. Sorry. I just um.. feel really guilty. Your smile was only creepy because you were trying to smile."

Gladion sits back slightly, glaring at me. "Gee, thanks." I shake my head quickly, "Wait, wait..! I meant, um.. When... when you smile naturally-"

"That it's creepy?" He huffed, moving a bit so he could get out from under the table. I grab his arm, stopping him.

Gladion x Hau One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now