You Taste Bad

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Hau's POV

"... Hau." Gladion mumbled, scooting a bit so that he wasn't so close to me. "You're supposed to sleep on the floor." "Nah." "Mother fucker, do I look like I'm gonna just let you?"
"Uh, no, but I can totally force you." I answered happily, making him sneer at me with those platinum green eyes. "Yeah? Try me. I'll destroy you." I snorted at him doubtfully, which made him kick me- literally- off of the bed.

I collided with the floor, letting out a light grunt and a laugh at the same time. It didn't hurt too bad, so I was totally fine. But Gladion didn't know that. Did he?
"Aw, ow..! Gladion, that hurt!" I groaned, turning over and pretending to clutch my chest with another fake, pained breath. Gladion froze, blinking rapidly as if he were confused.

Reluctantly, he leaned over the edge, watching me writhe in deception.
"... You.. you're not.. like.. dead, right? Or whatever?" He mumbled, reaching out a hand for me to take. I grinned at him, and before he could pull away from me, I grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of me. "Nah. I'm fine."
Gladion struggled in my grasp, punching my shoulders and trying to lift his face from my chest that I was holding him captive against. "You-! You asshole! Let me go!"

"Nope~ I want an apology!" "For what?!" "Bullying me! What else?"
"Take a look at the situation, dammit! Who's the one being bullied again?!" Oop. Now my arm hurts. Was Gladion biting me? "Dude, oh my god, you're literally a wild pokèmon." I laughed aloud, only pissing him off even more to the point he bit me as hard as possible.
I winced, kicking my legs a bit and freeing Gladion from my hold. "Ow ow ow ow ow owowowow- Oh my god please stop-"

Gladion just growled against my skin. Oh wow, that sounds bad. Chill out though, he's just biting me. Wait, that sounds worse-
"Hayh oor ahwy," The platinum blonde hissed, "Ohw."
I stared at him for a moment, blinking rapidly. "What? I can't understand you, your mouth's full. Y'know. Of my skin." Gladion bit even harder. "OWOWOW OKAY, ARCEUS, I'M SORRY-"

Finally, the bratty teen stopped biting me. As he pulled away, I felt his tongue on my arm for just a split second. Gladion's face scrunched up a bit, his eyes squinting as he sat up and stared down at me with a look of distaste. "Ew. I should've been more careful moving away."
"What? Hey! I don't taste bad, do I?? I took a shower just this morning and everything!"

"I-" Gladion pinched the bridge of his nose, taking in a big breath before letting it all out in one huge disappointed sigh. "You always say things the worst way possible."
"Ah? Oh- You're uh. You're right about that, actually."

"I have a solution; Stop fucking talking." Gladion hissed, standing up and brushing himself off. "You're sleeping on the floor. Got it?"
"Noooo, I wanna sleep with you!"
"For fuck's sake, Hau, stop talking."
Gladion's face looked awfully warm. I had no idea why, but I pushed on anyway. "No! I mean it! I don't want to sleep on the floor, it's uncomfortable!"

"You'll live," Gladion scoffed, walking back onto his bed and sitting down. It was surreal, seeing him on his bed with pajamas on. For some reason, my brain never acknowledged that this feral thing actually slept. Or wore anything except hoodies and ripped jeans.
"I'll die!" I whined, setting my chin on the mattress like a puppy begging for scraps. I was trying to pull Lillipup eyes, but Gladion refused to look at me.
"Then perish."

"Come on, Gladion! Sleeping on the floor is scary! What if I find a bug down here?!" "The closest thing to a bug you'll find here is a mirror. Just go take a shower or something and think in there, I'm trying to sleep, you insolent fuck."

I huffed a bit, but I couldn't exactly tell him no. I was staying at his house, after all. He'd just recently moved back from the apartment area from before, but I never saw even one box. I knew Gladion was weird about keeping things nice and clean, but really? It's a little scary, honestly.

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