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He didn’t long for anything

But to sit next to his sunshine, 

To hold him tight and whisper sweet nothings in his ears 

When the world didn’t feel right. 

He didn’t long for anything

But to gaze at his love’s lustful green eyes, 

Beautiful emerald that once beamed with ecstasy

Is impelled to hold back tears of pure melancholy. 

He didn’t long for anything

But to kiss his fool’s pain away,

To touch his curls and make him smile,

To sleep beside him and feel every breathe he takes. 

They fell hard and before they knew, 

Lies were thrown and lives were controlled. 

Hard for the green eyes to see his love taken away.

Hopeless and impatient, he waits for those blue eyes

To hold him in his arms and kiss him again. 

They were torn and broken, 

Untold truths stay forbidden. 

Yet they’ll never give up on each other

Because when blue eyes met green, 

Love was destined to happen. 

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