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A perfect couple
Went through a lot of trouble 
To be with each other 
They loved one another 
But the world wasn’t ready 
So they had to go steady 
Forced to hide their love away 
The truth they weren’t allowed to say 

So they went to extremes 
To not disappoint the teens 
And one had to act every day 
The other was lonely, he wasn’t okay 
But the couple wouldn’t give up 
With the love they shared, they couldn’t stop 
Then one day, a December afternoon 
The other one’s birthday it would be very soon 

The youngest got up, in the middle of a show 
He said “I’ve got something to tell you, though” 
The interviewer looked him deep in the eyes 
And she had to compose herself not to cry 
As he turned to the audience, with a nervous smile 
And said; “I’ve been lying for you for quite a while.”
The oldest got up, and grabbed his hand 

“I love a member of this band

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