Part 0 : Prologue

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(Wandas POV)
??? : "Young Lady...YOUNG LADY"
Wanda escapes from her thoughtsShe then sees that shes at an airport and the receptionist is asking for her passport

Wanda : "Im sorry, here you go"

Wanda hands the receptionist her passport
He scans it and lets her through

Wanda : "Thank god"

Wanda lets out a sigh of relief, she then gets aboard the plane, finds a seat and sleeps...its a long way to america
Wanda has been on the run from the accord after vision betrayed her, this is the only rest shes had in weeks...

(Peters POV)

Peter : "And then I said, Web me help you with that"

As Peter says that he launches the thug to the roof of the room

Peter : "You guys dont seem to have a sense of humor huh?"
Thug : "I think you ruptured my kidney"

Peter then escapes from the window, right as police arrive into the building
Peter webslings onto a roof and checks his phone


Peter in a hurry calls back to his worried aunt

Aunt May : "Peter where the hell have you been!"
Peter : "Busy with spiderman things"

She lets out a sigh of relief

Aunt May : "Atleast let me know that your saving the day instead of leaving me worried"
Peter :"Yeah sorry May, wont happen again"
Aunt May : "Ok pete, come home, i made dinner"
Peter : "Oh sweet!"

Peter puts his mask back on and heads home...

End Credits (Spiderman X Scarlett Witch) Where stories live. Discover now