Part 9 : Vs Deadpool

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As Peter walk home from school, still in thought in what he should, he sees a familiar face, Wanda on the sideline
Peter goes over to her and Wanda hugs her

Peter : "What are you doing here?"
Wanda : "Came to see you, I got worried that the assassin got to you"

Peter blushes

Peter : "Its fine, hes on my side i guess"
Deadpool : "On your side, you say?"

Peter grabs Wanda and puts her behind him

Deadpool : "You think I wouldnt catch up to you Peter Lover Boy Parker"
Peter : "Deadpool, you dont have to do this"
Wanda : "You dont know what we can do"

Wanda gets ready to fight

Deadpool : "Oh I can and I will, also Hi Maximoff, I dont think we met but im Detective Pikachu in human form"

Wanda doesnt react

Deadpool : "Well your serious just like your boyfriend here, anyway the accord is giving cash money to turn you in, and i need money to buy my drugs so Peter, you get in the way ill chop your dick off"
Peter : "Please, you dont have to do this..."

Deadpool pulls out his katanas
Wanda then shots a blast of magic towards him
Peter grabs her hand and runs

Deadpoil : "Oh shes a...fighter, time to pika pika these muther fuckers"

Deadpool runs after them
Peter and Wanda are on the run with deadpool close behind

Peter : "Whats the plan?"
Wanda : "Do you trust me?"

Peter looks behind him to see deadpool on a kids bike, somehow gaining speed

Peter : "Well what choice do I have"
Wanda : "Good"

Wanda grabs Peter by the waste and uses her power to fly up
Deadpool looks up in shock

Deadpool : "Ok lets see what I can pull out of my ass"

Deadpool pulls a drone out of his actual ass

Deadpool : "Huh,wonder how this got in there"

He zooms up
Wanda lands on the roof of a buidling
Peter puts on his suit quickly and gets ready for the worse

Wanda : "Relax i don't think his dumbass can find us up here"
Deadpool : "Tell that to my ass drone"

Deadpool makes his way up to the roof as well

Peter Webs up his katana but he pulls out another one

Deadpool : "Come here"

Deadpool lunges towards Peter but Peter kicks him in the jaw
Wanda then used her power to try and throw him off the build but he dodges

Deadpool : "You two are fighters alright, but the force is strong with me"

Wanda shoots more energy blasts at him but Deadpool deflects it with his swords
Peter then grabs a huge air vent from the side of the building and throws it at him

Deadpool : "Alright little shit, ive had enough of you"

Deadpool throws a katana and stabs Peter in the spleen

Wanda : "Peter!"

Wanda uses all her might and blasts Deadpool
Wanda kneels down next to Peter

Wanda : "Peter, you ok"

Wanda holds his hand

Deadpool : "im back, you know what screw the money, your dead now sister"

Deadpool, who somehow survived the blast lunges towards Wanda ready to deal the finishing blow...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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