Introduction to the Characters

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The first guy on the Reapers team is Shawn Beron. He is obsessed with videogames, so one day he decided to buy the most expensive game of all time; ShapeShiftXZ, which could be bought for a staggering 79$. He tested out the game, but it didn't work. Shawn got so mad that he smashed the controller onto the floor, not realising what was happening. A green aura was being emitted from the controller, slowly heading torwards Shawn. He checked it out, and breathed some of it. Shawn felt weird and powerful. He thought of another game he could play and he thought of the game Dragon Warrior. Suddenly, he shapeshifted into a dragon. That's the backstory of Shawn the Gamer Shapeshifter.

The second guy on the team is Kole Larones. He loves dinosaurs a lot so he decided to buy a book about dinosaurs, with every single dinosaur included. He opened the book and the words started floating. Kole thought it was just his dyslexia but no, they were seriously floating. He breathed in every single word, feeling super powerful, and very hungry. Kole looked at the poster of his favourite dinosaur, the Brachiosaurus, and he shapeshifted into one. That's the backstory of Kole the Dino Shapeshifter.

The third one on the team is Alyssa Batron. She is the fastest swimmer in the entire world. One day, Alyssa got an invitation to a swimming contest, but the water would be anti-goggly, meaning that goggles will not work. She accepted the invitation and went to that pool the next week. As Alyssa was swimming, she accidentally breathed in some of the water,
and passed out. The people stopped cheering and looked at the pool. There was a dolphin, turning into a sea turtle, mixed with an orca. That's the backstory of Alyssa the Sea Shapeshifter.

The last guy on the team is Raleigh Lidan. He is a famous engineer, known for building the worlds tallest, smallest, widest, biggest, and most colorful building in the world. The plot twist is, the buildings are built by machine, not by human workers. He bought a TRANSBUILDER 20 for his newest building. Raleigh opened the package and accidentally breathed in the dust, and he coughed due to his allergy to dust. A few minutes later, he shapeshifted into a Machine Gun. Thats the backstory of Raleigh the Machine Shapeshifter.

Chapter 1 is coming out soon, so stay tuned!

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