Chapter two

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After a tour of the main section of the school We walked into the dorm
"We're back Ms. Meow," I smiled "Hello," she purred, she was sitting on the bed and Howl was whimpering in the corner.
"Ms. Meow, do you want to get lost with me?," I asked
Ms. Meow looked up at me
"You will need to know the school as well," I replied
"Very well!," she jumped into my arms "Let's go!," I smiled.
We walked out, as I walked down the main hallway I told Ms. Meow the hallways I knew. I went to the office then I went down a random hallway.
As I was walking I saw a girl, she was a werewolf,
"Hi!," she smiled
"Hi," I smiled back
"Hello kitty, can I pet you?,"
"Sure," Ms. Meow meowed
The girl reached up and scratched her head.
"My name is Sarah, what's yours?," "I'm Tori, and this is Ms. Meow," I smiled
"Oh oh! Tori? Your in my science class! I saw our class list!,"
"Awesome!,' I replied "I'll see you tomorrow!," I called before walking forwards.
I was happy just walking with Ms. Meow, then I felt like like I was being watched, so I turned into a hallway I've never been in before.
I kept walking hoping I'd figure it out myself where I was, and how to get back, until I was completely lost. "We're lost aren't we?," Ms. Meow asked
"Yes," I sighed
"I can help you," a deep voice replied "Thank you," I smiled turning around
"Follow me," he replied
I started to follow him.
He weaved us though three or for hallways,
"Do you want to go to your dorm?," he asked
"Yes please," I nodded
He never turned towards me. I was confused, why was this stranger being so nice?
"Here is the dorm hallway, which one is yours?," he asked
"I know where it is, um thank you," I smiled and started to walk forwards.
I felt his eyes on me, I flicked my tail angrily and I felt his eyes slowly leave my back.
I raced to my dorm and ran in,
"I was lost then brought back by a strange guy!," I panted
"What?," Claudine asked
"Calm down, here, I need to talk to a teacher, come with me, tell me more," "Alright," I replied and we walked out, Ms. Meow still on my shoulder.
Ms. Meow and I told Claudine all about our adventure
"It seems that guy is interested in you,'' "I don't even know who it is though," I frowned
"Been here one day and already catching attention!.@ Ckaudibe laughed
"Sure. whatever," I muttered
Claudine smiled.
We walked a bit more and a voice called out
"Claudine," she looked up
"Oh! Hello Mr. Swoop,"
I looked up, it was a bat
"Hello Tori how are you?,"
"Good?," I sheepishly smiled
"Oh sorry, I'm Mr. Swoop I'm one of the gym, science and drama teachers, also Bat-tras father,"
"Oh! hello!," i smiled
"I have a times-table for you and Ms. Meow," Mr. Swoop smiled pulling out a piece of paper out of a bag that hung against him.
They flouted down to us.
"Thank you!," I called
"Claudine?," Mr. Swoop asked
"I don't mind," she stuck out her arm then Mr. Swoop flew down and landed on Claudine's arm,
"Thank you, you are a life saver," Mr. Swoop sighed
"Where are you going?," Claudine asked
"The office,"
"Excellent!," Claudine smiled
As we walked, we talked for a bit until we arrived at the office,
"I'll see you tomorrow in Drama!,'' Mr. Swoop called before diving into the office.
"Hey can you show me upstairs?," I asked
"Sure! I need to go upstairs anyways!," Claudine grinned grabbing my hand and pulled me upstairs.
We started to walk around then all of a sudden Claudine pushed me into a random hallway,
"Hey!," I hissed. "Sorry, I saw the teacher I wanted to see, stay here for a quick moment!." Claudine replied running towards the teacher
I stood where I was and started to swivel my ears around
"Did you see her cat? She's pink!," "Why do you care so much beta?," a voice growled "she's just a cat," I walked over to the two men
"Just a cat eh?," I replied "like how you are just a mutt?,"
"I'm not a mutt!." The Alpha growled
"Sure!," I laughed
"At least I belong here!,"
"Tough guy! You are just a scary pup!," I taughted
"don't raise your voice at-,"
"I'm so scared Alpha, I don't have to listen to you, I'm not in your pack," I hissed
Alpha's eyes were ablaze
"Just because I'm here in this school doesn't mean you can boss me around!," I hissed
"You better shut your mouth or I'll-," "what? I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared of some mutt who thinks he's better than ne because of a unworthy title,'' I turned away
I hissed at beta
He looked hurt, "wait," Beta started "What?,'' I asked
"I'd like to be your friend, since I'm in your science class,"
"You are gonna have to be pretty friendly to make up for Mr. Mutt over there," I growled
"I'm not a mutt!," Alpha almost shouted
"Shut it," I rose my hand
"What's going on here?," Claudine growled "why harass my best friend!,'' Claudine growled her eyes turned colour
"Calm down, sorry Claudine," Alpha replied
"It's fine," she growled "let's go,"
We walked around the corner
"They make me so mad!," we chorused then  we burst out laughing
"But I think Alpha likes you, he calmed down as soon as you came close," I commented
Claudine growled and we walked forwards.

Leave her alone BetaWhere stories live. Discover now