Chapter Seven

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It's been two weeks since I've been rescued, I show my mark with pride, and whenever I get paired with a male I think of how loyal I am to Veta.
Beta follows me everywhere, doesn't really matter where, the only time I escape him is when I'm not in the same class as him.
Everyone knows I'm beta female, but none of that bothers me now.
I love to bother him by not sitting next to him in Science.
I listened to Veta talk, I stopped listening when I realized I've been here for little over a month, and it's visiting day tomorrow.
"Mom dad and Sarah will be here tomorrow!," I purred cutting Beta off from whatever he was saying.
"Anyways, am I spending the night?," beta asked
"Since we are mates we are allowed to sleep in the same room, so why not?," , i smiled closing my eyes and fell asleep.
I awoke on visiting day so excited I jumped up forgetting Sage is in the bed, he fell to the floor,
"Tori," he grunted
"Ooh! I'm so sorry Sage! I keep forgetting you are in my bed!," I gasped taking hold of his havd and pulling him up
"It's okay, I'll see you later I'm going to my dorm," Sage replied standing up "Okay," I smiled as he sleepily walked to his dorm,
I got dressed in a pretty blue dress, I got it as a present from Sarah when I turned 17, I brushed my hair and walked out, a bell rang saying visiting time has started.
I ran to the forum, I saw them, I almost started crying, I ran into my dad's arms,
"Princess!,'' dad smiled hugging me tight
"Ooh pet!," mom whispered hugging me as well
"T!," Sarah sang
I leapt away from my parents and collided with my sister
"How are you guys!," I purred not letting go of Sarah
"Fantastic baby!," Mom sighed "oh baby what happened to your neck?,' "Ooh," I paused awkwardly I forgot I had it, abd that I have tried my parents about Sage yet "it's called a mark, I'll explain later, come on! I want you to meet my dorm mates!," I grabbed Sarah's hand and she followed.
We got to my dorm
"Hello," my mom smiled
"Hello," Claudine smiled "you must be Jess, Spencer, and Sarah, I'm Claudine,"
"I'm Cindy!," Cindy waved
"And I'm lira!,"
"Hello girls nice to meet you!," mom smiled
"Ms. Meow!," Sarah shrieked
Howl started to growl and barked when Sarah tried to grab meow
Sarah jumped back, terror crossed her face
I rolled by eyes abd I reached down grabbed her and brought her up,
Howl almost bit me, but Ms. Meow gave him a good swat.
"Hey! What was that for?," Hiwl muttered as a bead of blood dropped off of his nose
"Because you can't bite my human! Or my Sarah!." Ms. Meow replied harshly Howl just laid down eyeing us carefully I placed her in Sarah's arms,
"I've missed you so much!," Sarah mumbled carrying her face in Ms. Meows fur
"it's almost lunch time, let's go," dad replied
"See you later girls," mom waved
we walked out
We all went into the town to have a nice lunch outside of the school, after they brought me back.
"Did you have fun being in a school full of creatures?," I asked
"I finally understand how you must of fejt in a human school," mom smiled
"Pah! T was always a star!." Dad smiled I looked at my parents,
"D-do you have to go?," I asked like a little child,
"Ooh T, we will come back, don't worry, okay?," my nom smiled weakly
"Okay mom," I whispered
"I love you T," dad smiled "even if I don't know what you are,"
I playfully growled
"T?," Sarah asked
"Yes S?," I asked
"When will you come home?," Sarah's voice was small
I smiled,
I saw through her grade nine clothes and I saw my little sister when she was ten and I was going to my friends house for the night
"Soon," I'd always say.
I shook myself out of my memory
"Don't worry, I'll always come home for Christmas, and after I grad, I'll come home," I tried to be cheerful about it
A tear slipped down her cheek,
"Okay," she whispered
we hugged
"hey Tori-oh sorry, you must be her parents," Sage smiled
"Is this one of your friends T? And yes," mom smiled
"I'm Beta, from the rising Blue-moon pack,"
Dad shook his hand
"May I ask what you just said?," Dad laughed
"I'm a werewolf Simit, abd I am second in command in my werewolf pack," Sage grinned
"Thank you," dad sighed
Sage winked at me and walked towards Alpha
"He likes you T," Sarah giggled
"One more thing S, if any boy makes you cry I'll drive down there and show him what happened when he messes with my sister," I replied hugging Sarah one last time
"Really?," she asked
"Of course, your my best and truest friend, no one makes you cry but me," I smiled
"Okay! I'll hold you too that," she took her phone out and we took a selfie together but as we looked at the picture another tear slipped out,
"I have something for you Sarah," I touched my neck, it was the neckless that Sage gave me, it was a cat paw and in glitter it said I love you, I took it off and put it on Sarah,
"I'll always be next to your heart," I whispered. Then they all turned and left,
I watched them leave the school, a tear fell down my cheek, I turned and ran into Sage, we went outside, we were walking in the trees, then my dress got caught on a branch, the strap fell limply to one side and it caused the front to tear, my bra was in view, I sunk to the ground
"No! Sarah gave me this!," I started to cry
"Here," Sage replied handing me his shirt, I pulled it on, "don't worry, Alphas mom is a sewing teacher, she can fix it,"
I stood up, and I saw his chest, my jaw almost dropped, I heard laughter
My head snapped up
"I'm a werewolf, what do you expect?," I blushed and lowered my head
"It's fine, I'll see yours one day,"
I gasped and saw a huge smirk on his face,
"Hmmmm, on second thought give me that shirt," Sage teased
"Never!," I smiled and ran, I ran until I found a good tree, and climbed up it, the orange leaves camouflaged me nicely
"I can scent you, you know," Sage replied, I waited until his back was turned then I jumped and landed on his back he flung around sending me flying, I landed hard on the ground, I got winded,
"Tori!," Sage gasped he picked me up "I'm so sorry!,"
"No, I surprised you, its my fault,"
he kissed me, "are you sure your okay?,"
"Yes Sage, I'm okay," I looked in his deep blue eyes,
"Okay," he carried me a bit farther and put me down, we sat in a pile of leaves, I was curled up against his chest
"You really love Sarah don't you?," Sage asked
"Yes of course," I replied
"Did she like the neckless?,"
"Yes," I mumbled
"I'm glad you gave it to her,"
"Really?," I asked
"Yes, I gave it to you to show my love, and you gave it to your sister to show your love,"
I smiled
"I should go get changed and take my dress to alphas mom,"
"Okay," Sage smiled
we got back to the dorm, I pulled on a pair of pants under my dress, then I turned around to face the wall I pulled off Sages shirt and threw it at him, I pulled on a shirt and turned around. "You take all the fun out of having a mate," Sage smiled
"Good," I smiled back,
I got closer and he grabbed me and started tickling
"Sage! Put on your shirt!," I laughed "fine," he grunted
"You are mine, if anyone will see you shirtless, that's me!,''
"C'mon, T," Sage smiled
I smiled,
"Can I call you that?,"
"Yeah, I call you Sage, you can call me T,"
We walked out and towards the sewing room, Sage knocked on the door "Nancy?,"
"Yes Sage?," she asked
"Can you fix Tori's dress?,"
"I can try,"
I walked forwards,
"My strap tore and my front did as well,"
Nancy held it up
"Easy fix! I'll call Sage when it's done," "Thank you!," I purred and walked out, Today was pretty good,
I was walking back to the dorm when Mr. Swoop came by,
"I have something for you," he landed on my arm and dropped a packet in my hand,
"Thank you!," I smiled hugging Mr. Swoop,
"I'll see you tomorrow in drama!," Mr. Swoop called flying off
"Will do!,"
We walked to the dorm and no one was there I sat down and opened the box, it was a locket, I opened it, I saw me, and Sarah, I closed it and looked at the locket. It was a cat,
Sage put it on me, and I knew that I do have the best family ever, they could have abandoned me, when I was born a cat, or hid me from the real world, but they showed how to conceal my tail and ears, and let me go to school, and when I was three they had Sarah, I was so thrilled, ever since I can remember we were together. We had a strong sister relationship. And we never gave up on each other even when Sarah started middle school, we still did everything together,
"Yes Sage?," I asked my voice breaking "Sarah gave that too you, I read the card,"
I smiled sitting silence for a few more moments.
Safe placed a hand on my back, I realized I was soaked in tears.
"I have homework, do you want to help?," I asked
"Of course!," Sage smiled and sat next to me.

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