Chapter eight

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The door opened and Claudine and Alpha came in
"Beta," Alpha nodded
"Alpha," Sage nodded back
"How was seeing your family?," Claudine asked
"it was great, but I do really miss Sarah, and mom and dad," I smiled sadly
"Yeah I bet, oh, that's pretty!," Claudine touched my locket
"Yeah Sarah gave it to me," I replied all of a sunken Ms. Meow ran into the dorm
"I hate dogs!," she panted "three just chased me!,"
Howl was in the corner he did not like that, he stood up
"Where are these dogs?," he snarled "Outside!," I picked up Ms. Meow and Howl ran outside the dorm, I heard a few barks then whimpers, Howl came back in
"Those dogs think there so cool just cause there owners are apart of the football team," Howl laid down and grunted
I kissed ms. Meow and put her down "What's Sarah like?," Claudine asked "She's amazing, think of a teen and think of a princess that's Sarah, ever since I can remember we were together, but now we won't, she can't come here, she's nothing special just a human," another tear fell I stood up, "but whats new with you?,"
"Nothing," Claudine smiled
I could tell she was hiding something, "Are you sure?," I asked
"I'm sure," she smiled
I rolled my eyes and looked at Alpha, he was smiling
"Fine, hide it," I growled my tail twitched and I walked out
I heard a sigh, Beta followed me out
"Is Third in your dorm?," I asked
"No," Sage smiled
I grabbed his hand and walked to his dorm and walked in it was a bit bigger than mine,
"This is my bed," Sage grunted
I looked over it was a queen sized and it was green I sat down on it, Sage stiffened and growled
I stood up and stepped back "S-sage?," I whimpered his eyes switched and I knew I needed to leave
I ran out and I heard a growl
"I should never have gone into his room," I panted
I ran towards my dorm but I heard voices so I ran past it, I heard beta behind me, I saw third and ran up to him he looked at me and nodded
I cowered behind him he looked up at Beta
"Really? You know she's not ready, now let Sage have control so he can say sorry to Tori," Thurd ordered
I expected beta to start to ague but Beta growled then he sighed
"Tori! I hate it when Scott takes control," he came over and hugged me "are you okay?,"
I locked eyes
"Yes," I backed up "thanks third," I smiled
I was still kinda angry I walked away from beta
"Tori I told you I'm sorry," Sage sighed "I know, but you have to tell Scott that Bella might kill him, we are not ready for that and you both have to except that!,"
"I know! I know! I know," Sage ran up to me he hugged me again then I heard a voice
"Hi, we got kicked out,"
I looked down it was Ms. Meow and Howl
"Hey," I picked up meow and kissed her "why?," I asked I paused."Never mind," I replied
I padded Howls side "anything new with the two of you?,"
"No," Howl smiled "but Bark is being a big pain in the tail,"
"That's what big brothers are for," Sage laughed
"Let's go outside, I have a new ball,'' I smiled
Howls tail started to wag, we went outside I threw the ball and Howl and Ms. Meow chased it I laughed and forgot about earlier.
We all laughed and had fun Ms. Meow chased the ball too, then after I started to walk back to the dorm when I got back the dorm was empty I entered and Sage sniffed
"They were here now their sent is going out,"
I looked around "empty, ever since we all found our mates all of us are not as close friends," a tear slipped out
I sat on my bed I shook my head.
"This is so different, I miss home," I touched my neckless and bowed my head I sighed
"It's fine," Sage replied he sat down and started to pet my head
"I want Sarah," I whispered
"How old is she?," Sage asked
"13," I replied
"This is a long shot, but invite her over and maybe one of my fighters is mated to her,"
I looked up "good idea," I smiled
I grabbed my phone and texted her, Sarah excitedly said yes to coming over and came over a the following weekend, it was a long week, but finally the time cane. l
She ran in and screamed
"T!," she jumped onto my bed "oh beta hello," Sarah replied "T?,"
"Okay okay, you caught me, Sage is my mate,"
Sarah smiled "mom owes me five bucks!," 
"C'mon let's go outside," we all went outside to the forest, I phased for Sarah and she was so excited I phased back and we walked past a group of wolves they all stopped and turned around "hello beta, beta female," one smiled "who do we have here?,"
"Sarah, my little sister," I smiled the wolf smiled
"Hi Alex," Sage smiled
"Hi," Alex smiled "are you a human Sarah?,"
"Yes," Sarah smiled back "what grade are you in?,"
"Ten," Alex replied "I'm a werewolf," "Awesome!," Sarah grinned "well ya know, you could really of only been a werewolf or vampire, so I had a fifty fifty shot of guessing,"
"why doesn't Alex hang out with us?," I suggested.
"Ok," Sage nodded and Alex walked forwards
We started to walk again, Alex and Sarah  started talking until a growl stopped them, and a wolf jumped out,
I jumped forwards and pushed Sarah behind me
"We meet again," the wolf growled I knew that voice
"You came back? Even know I can defeat you now?."
"You can't defeat me," he growled "protect her," I growled to Alex and I phased
I roared and Sage came next to me, Scott in control I heard a whimper and Alex was trembling.
I stepped forwards
"Leave!," I growled
"No," he taunted
I heard a scream
I whipped around a wolf had crept up to Sarah and Alex and was trying to grab Sarah
Alex phased and tackled the other wolf I kept over to Sarah and phased and hugged her
"I'm so sorry," I bailed "I shouldn't had entered you into this world of un-humans!," I replied after the two wolfs got chased off
I tried to take Sarah away from Alex's wolf, he just growled and knocked me over, Sage didn't like that, he stepped over me and barked at Alex, Sarah was scared sitting on the ground
I tried to hold her, Alex stepped over her and growled
"Mine, don't touch," I pushed Sage off and shoved Alex over, I pulled Sarah into my arms,
"I'm sorry S, if it wasn't for me you would never have seen this," I was crying Sarah looked up, her blue eyes were scared but excited
"Alex said mine," she whispered "can I move to the school then?,"
I stood up with Sarah in my arms, I saw Sage holding back Alex
"Let's go ask Mr. Swoop," I replied
We walked away, I heard a howl and chills ran down my spine,
"Alex!," Sarah yelled and running footsteps came Sage and Alex. "Human," I muttered and Alex slowed down before hugging her. He didn't let go of her hand as we went to go see Mr. Swoop.

Leave her alone BetaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora