Chapter nine

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"Hmmm even though she is a Human she has a mate, so therefor she has a spot in our school," Mr. Swoop replied looking at a price of paper
"Yay!," Sarah cheered
She looked at me "we're together again,"
I teared up hearing her say that
''But what about all your friends?," I asked remembering that Sarah had a human life
Sarah frowned "I'll tell them that I was put in the same school as my sister," she replied
"mom and dad?," I questioned
"O-oh no," Sarah rasped "they'll never let me come!,"
"I called them, they are bringing you a suit case, I told them your story after a few tears your mom agreed and is coming to see you later," Mrs. Fang our principal replied
"I'm sorry I'm mated to you," Alex whispered "now you have to leave home and live with me,"
Sarah hugged him "it's okay,"
A few hours later mom rushed in "oh my baby girl, this must be Alex, hello,'' "H-hello," Alex whispered shyly
"He's not to much older than you is he?," mom asked
"N-no ma'am I'm 15 grade 10,"
"And I'm almost 14," Sarah replied
"I know, c'mon let's get your things," mom and Sarah went out
"Cindy said she wants to move in with her mate, so Sarah can move in with you," Mr. Swoop replied swooping into my dorm
I smiled "thank you," I replied and walked out with the boys behind me
I saw Sarah and mom "c'mon, my dorm," I replied we went there and set up her things "dad said talk later, and I say see you soon, love you," mom kissed her cheek and left after she left Sarah looked around
"My home now," she smiled and hugged Alex, he bent down and kissed her, Sarah jumped back
"W-what?," Alex asked startled 
"N-nothing I've never kissed before, that's all," Sarah hugged him again and this time kissed him.
I looked at Sarah she looked happy, but her scared scream ran though my head, I shivered
"She'll be fine," Sage whispered
"Yes T, I'll be fine, I have Alex now," that did it, I ran out, I ran and ran until my whole body was dead, I drooped to the ground, I looked around, I didn't know where I was, but I didn't care
"S-she didn't say 'your'll protect me'," I gasped "Sarah! My sister is gone!," I curled up in a hole under a tree root and cried after a while I could breath normally again, without gasping but I was still upset, "she doesn't care anymore," I whispered "she just wants Alex, I'm a bad mate, I didn't want Sage for a long time before I excepted him," I heard footsteps, I stopped moving
"T, Tori," Sarah called "Alex and Sage said you are around here somewhere," I didn't want to talk to anyone I heard a bark and then a nose tapped my back "Come out," Sarah replied
I growled
lI have it," Sarah replied
"We can run," Bella replied
"Maybe," I agreed
"W-why did you run?," Sarah asked
I didn't reply I was planning where to run
"Please talk to me, what did I do?,"
I tightened my muscles ready to run, "Flank her! She's about to run!," Sarah ordered
I jumped forwards and sprinted
I heard growls behind me I phased and ran, I felt a bite on my scruff I went limp, I looked up to alpha
"L-let me go!," I tried to smack him but I couldn't
"T, there you are," Sarah replied
I started to struggle
Alpha released me and I phased to human
"Fine!," Bella snapped "I ran because you don't care for us anymore! You found your mate and you are all grown up! You didn't even say We could protect you!,"
Sarah nodded "I see, we have a close sister ship, you've missed me, then I come to visit and find a mate and lose some connection between us, I've been your only friend-,"
"Yes I know you understand," I stood up with a flick of my tail "and yes, I also know your no longer my little sister, your a werewolf," I whispered and sulked away I heard nothing but then "your mate is Alex! No! Not a human Ali!," Alpha sighed
"T," Sarah ran over and hugged me, having her little grade nine voice back "I'm sorry, I was caught up being a grown up, please forgive me!,"
I turned around with tears in my eyes and hugged her,
"O-of course," I whispered Alex and Sage came forwards
"Are we okay?," Sage asked
I ran over to him
"Yes, now take me home," I purred
I followed Safe back to the dorm, when I entered Claudine came over
"Hey," she smiled
I sniffed she smelt strongly of alpha, I turned to her and rose an eyebrow. "What," Claudine asked
"Nevermind," I giggled turning to sage, he sniffed and laughed
"W-what?," Sarah asked coming in after us
"You can't snell strong enough, you won't get it," I replied I turned and a scent wafted up to me i started to walk outside, following the strange scent I growled and looked around
"What's wrong T?," Sarah asked startling me
I pushed Sarah behind me, since it was only her and I. I paused at a thickly covered brush, a wolf emerged, and who looked back at me made me wanna scream, it was the alpha of the green tree pack, he had two other wolves with him,
"We meet again, beautiful," he smiled his green eyes were just as suductive, and his smile was full of sharp teeth "who do you have there?," he asked
I growled in responded.
"Get them!," he ordered
"No!," I screamed

Leave her alone BetaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora