Catch 22

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"Babe, look!" Jason pointed toward a clearing where the trees stopped and the clear sky emerged. "We're here," Sehyoon said witnessing the enormous building that stood tall a couple miles away from them.

The sun had already set and the only source of light was the great enchantress herself. Hidden under the pale moonlight, in plain view, the HIVE headquarters were heavily guarded by advanced, automatic guns, alarms and motion sensors.

"Jason stop!" Sehyoon shouted and Jason froze in place. The boy looked back startled and Sehyoon pointed with his eyes next to Jason's feet.

"Oh shit," Jason cursed and carefully moved away from the well-hidden sensor. "That was close," he exhaled in relief and Sehyoon chuckled. "Don't go all rusty on me now." he teased Jason.

Jason's ears twitched at the subtle sound of whooshing and immediately launched his knife towards Sehyoon.

His knife collided with a hostile blade that was flying across the air with Sehyoon's forehead as its target.

Jason and Sehyoon stood side by side and claimed their stance. "Who is the rusty one now?" Jason teased his lover and Sehyoon smirked. It always fascinated Sehyoon how Jason used sarcasm at the weirdest times possible.

"Whoever you are, you don't stand a chance." Sehyoon said smugly, trying to provoke another attack. That way they could locate where their enemy was hiding and retaliate.

"You are the ones who don't stand a chance." a female voice echoed throughout the otherwise silent forest. A woman in a leather black outfit and high heels walked out of the dark. She had that savage look on her face which made the boys tense up. She was a jaguar, felines trained to kill their victims by mutilating or skinning them to death.

Another jaguar followed behind, she had that elegant walk which emitted confidence. Her purplish hair swayed as she walked, exposing her beautiful face as she inched closer. Judging from their red-bottomed heels, they must have been high-ranking jaguars.

Despite the high threat level, Jason scoffed, "Just the two of you?" he nudged Sehyoon's shoulder and he smirked smugly, trying to intimate them with his fake confidence.

The girls chuckled and looked at each other. "Oh no Jennie, what are we gonna do now?" she fake-cried, "I don't know Jisoo! I'm so scared." Jennie said dramatically and soon after both of them burst into laughter. "Girls!" Jennie roared and sets of eyes started appearing in the dark. Just like you see in cartoons with the only difference being that this was very much real.

The boys were caught by surprise from what seemed like at least six dozens of jaguars hidden in the shadows.

They looked at each other with worry taking over their features. With an army in front of them and HIVE behind, they had to make a hard decision. Do they run or do they fight?

"RUN!" Jason yelled at the top of his lungs and the boys sprinted off as the small army of jaguars chased after them. The boys ran out of the forest and into the field with HIVE as their destination.

"Follow my steps." Sehyoon instructed and Jason obeyed without second guessing. Being in HIVE for all these years, Sehyoon had learn the position of every single trap. The plan was to use that to their advantage and decimate the jaguar forces. Sehyoon tiptoed swiftly across the minefield with Jason following on his exact footsteps.

The jaguars that were chasing after them carelessly stepped on the mines and blew themselves into pieces. Seeing the limbs of their fellow comrades fly across the air didn't seem to bother the rest of the jaguars. They just kept on chasing the boys, using their front lines as trap activators.

The way they just sacrificed their lives for the mission reminded Sehyoon of the days of his brainwashing. He would always follow Chan's orders without being able to refuse. It was like his conscience was dormant and his body was acting on its own accord. It was like he didn't have a choice on his actions, he was nothing more but an observant. But not anymore, he was ready to take revenge on Chan for everything he had inflicted upon him and Jason.

Sehyoon jumped above what seemed to be like plain grass but when the jaguars stepped on it, they fell to their doom as the ground succumbed to their weight and revealed a hidden pit filled with deadly spikes.

A few of them died before the rest started avoiding the trap. It seemed like half of their forces were already dead but the ones that were left wouldn't back off.

"Sehyoon," Jason said seeing his boyfriend stopping in his tracks. "Come on, let's go!" he yelled but Sehyoon just raised his hand, making Jason hold his tongue.

Sehyoon waited for the right moment, he waited for the jaguars to position themselves in front of the final trap, this was their only chance at survival, his timing had to be precise or else they would soon meet their demise.

The jaguars approached dangerously closer and the ones in the front jumped on the boys.

With their enemies mid-air, Sehyoon threw his knife on the ground and jumped on Jason, tackling him to the ground.

The knife sliced a hidden thread and activated two large machine guns with built-in motion sensors that started shooting at everything that moved.

The boys, taking shelter behind the automated machine guns, watched in awe as the unnaturally big bullets dismembered the remaining jaguars until the whole field was painted red.

"I guess I'm not that rusty after all." Sehyoon boasted and Jason laughed. He was still under Sehyoon and he grabbed the chance to give him a kiss on the lips. "I love you so much." he smiled and Sehyoon gave him another peck. "Let's get this over with and then you can show me how much you love me." he winked and Jason punched him playfully on the shoulder. "Come, I have a plan." Sehyoon helped Jason up and led him towards the side wall of the ginormous building. "There is a blind spot here," Sehyoon explained and Jason nodded in understanding. "They probably think that the jaguars attacked  so our cover might not be blown yet," he explained. "Alright, so we can still sneak up on Chan and end this one and for all." Jason gritted his teeth. Just saying his brother's name out loud was enough to make him trigger his fury.

"Don't worry, he'll get what he deserves." Sehyoon clenched his fists before pulling Jason into a hug. "If anything goes sideways-"

"Nothing will go sideways!" Jason cut Sehyoon off, "Baby..." Sehyoon said sweetly and a stray tear ran down Jason's cheek. "If anything happens to me, I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world." Sehyoon's words, although comforting, brought tears down Jason's cheeks who choked his sobs against Sehyoon's chest.

"Promise me that you won't leave me baby." Jason's voice cracked, "I, I can't..." Sehyoon trailed off. "But you promised! You promised that you'll always be with me!" Jason cried out and it broke Sehyoon's fragile heart.

He cupped Jason's face and looked deep into his beautiful, sad eyes, "...but I will do everything in my power to never leave your side." their lips united once again.

That very moment could be their last one together, the future was uncertain but what they didn't know was that one unexpected variable that would change the course of their fate was secretly spying on them.


Hey everyone, I hate to announce this but HIVE is slowly coming to an end. I was thinking of doing a Q&A after the last chapter where you can ask me anything you'd like to know about the story or myself. Would you like that? I'll only do it if you guys want to and are willing to participate.

As always thank you for reading 💜

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