The Big Bang

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"What have you done to her!" Jason cried out seeing his sister Honey waking towards Chan. She looked paler that usual, her hair were cut short, at about the height of her chin. She had several scars all over her face and arms but the thing that disturbed Jason the most were her eyes.

Honey was blind but now it seemed like she had somehow gotten her vision back. Honey stood next to Jiyeon and Jason took a closer look at her eyes. The one was hers, faded brown in color as a result of her blindness but the other one was blue, not too dark, definitely in the light side with the tiniest outer ring like an outline of dark blue.

Jason immediately recognized Jiyeon's unique eyeball which was currently residing inside his sisters skull.

"You're a monster..." Jason muttered and clenched his knife ready to initiate the battle.

"Kill them." Chan instructed coldly and his lackeys obeyed instantly. Jisoo and Jennie charged towards Sehyoon while Jiyeon approached Yuehan. Honey slowly inched towards Jason with a creepy smile plastered across her once cute face.

Sehyoon VS Jisoo & Jennie

The girls jumped and performed a double high kick. Sehyoon lifted his hands above his head in an attempt to block the attack but their combined strength was too much for him to counter. The hit made him stumble backwards as the felines wasted no time to abuse his lack of balance.

Jennie planted a knife on his armor, her artificial strength was enough to slice through his body armor. Jisoo, taking advantage of the opening on Sehyoon's left side, kicked the boy on his ribs, making him fall on the ground and get drugged along the floor until he collided with a wall.

The girls stood in front of him, "Pathetic." Jennie spat out and mocked the beaten boy. "He is no fun, let's kill him and then have fun with his boyfriend." Jisoo cackled as she lifted her knife ready to attack.

Just the mention of Jason was enough to infuriate Sehyoon. He would never let anything happen to Jason, even if he ended up dying to ensure that.

Jisoo aimed for Sehyoon's head as she let gravity assist her on striking the final blow. "WHAT THE F-" Jisoo yelled as her hand fell on the floor, severed from the rest of her arm but before she could finish her sentence, Sehyoon drove his sword through her mouth.

"Never threaten Jason, bitch." he said in a hoarse but determined voice. Sehyoon placed his foot on Jisoo's chest and pushed her back, unplucking his sword from her skull as the girl collapsed lifeless on the ground.

Jennie was utterly horrified at the sight of Jisoo lying dead on the floor with a severed jaw. "J-Jisoo," her lips trempled before she turned back and stared at Sehyoon. Her glare was deadlier that any blade. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" she growled and charged towards Sehyoon, hellbend on bringing his demise and avenging Jisoo.

Sehyoon dodged a series of kicks and countered some knife attacks with his sword before Jennie managed to kick his stomach and pin him against the wall.

Jennie stroke Sehyoon with her silver claws, making the boy wince in pain. She twisted her nails inside his abdomen, forcing Sehyoon to holler in agony.

Sehyoon whispered Jason's name as his eyesight slowly faded into a consuming vignette that overwhelmed his senses until he eventually collapsed on the floor.

Yuehan VS Jiyeon

"Jiyeon..." Yuehan said under his breath, still unable to comprehend that his best friend was alive, crudely.

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