Chapter 12- Chloe

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Chloe walked the hall, ignoring the lack of Andrew's presence that had been replaced by the security guard with a gun at his belt. She listened to her heels on the floors, the rhythmic, sturdy clicks radiating faked confidence. She focused on keeping it that way. It was a little trick she'd picked up in the underground clubs, to listen to her heels. A loud and a quiet click, once when each foot would hit the ground, spaced out in equal time intervals. It calmed her heartbeat and mind and there was something intimidating about a woman that walked in heels with the same serenity she did barefoot.

The tension in Chloe's shoulders grew with each step that put them further from the doors and closer to the meeting room. They might search you, Cassandra's words rang in her ears. She had nothing to hide but couldn't help not feel like there would suddenly be a gun in her bra.

She turned right, spotting a large metal frame right in front of double doors. A few people formed a line in front of it, all of them in suits and polished shoes. One by one they stepped through the metal detector and collected their stuff before continuing inside the meeting room. Chloe didn't hesitate, slipping off her coat and slinging it over her forearm while she waited.

She set her coat on a table, where it was scanned and searched.

She stepped through the metal detector, cold sweat showering it when an alarmed wailed and the green light blared red.

Another guard approached her with a portable metal detector and began waving it down her arms and legs. He stopped under her navel when the little device beeped. He looked up at her and frowned.

"It's just my skirt buttons," Chloe said a little too quickly.

He padded her down, while she held her breath, feeling his hands on her through her clothes.

"May I?" he asked when he finished.

She smiled and he picked one of the sewed-on accessory buttons and clipped it off. When he had clipped all six of them, he waved the metal detector again. It was silent.

The woman Chloe was impersonating would no doubt complain that he ruined her clothes, any normal person would. But she was more worried about the fact that she no longer had a GPS tracker on her. She was completely alone.

The man deposited the buttons in the trash and handed Chloe her coat.

She took it without a word and continued inside, while the guard moved to the person behind her, asking him to get rid of his watch.

The first thing Chloe spotted when she entered was rooftops. A large window overlooked buildings, serving as the only source of light in the otherwise dark room. The sky was cloudy and it was about to rain. Chloe looked at the rows of conference chairs facing the front of the room. Some seats were still empty, but most were filled with men in suits and women in pencil skirts and smart blouses.

She was escorted across the floor to a seat by the window."Merci," she told the guard when she had taken a seat.

The close proximity to the plexiglas window made her stomach drop. She felt suspended in air with the only exit being a guarded and metal detector protected double doors which she couldn't reach unless she jumped over twenty people. How was she going to get the drugs out of here? She had no idea if they would even be allowed to access them and pondered on a plan. She was good but was she good enough?

Once the last person was taken inside, the guards took post on each side of the door.

All eyes turned to the entrance and listened to the footsteps coming from somewhere down the hallway.

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