~The hospital?~VII

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The door. I could hear it opening.

A voice. But who's??

Light footsteps again getting louder and louder.

Clinking sounds??

Sharp pain-- "Ow ow ow!!!!" Ed was back into consciousness.

"What the.." The blond said groggily. "W-winry?!" He sounded a bit more of himself now.

"Hehe yup!" The other blond smiled brightly.

Winry Rockbell was working on Edward's automail arm, since it had gotten a bit rusty and she wanted it sparkly new for the sudden trip from the Fuhrer to the ruins of Xerxes with Roy Mustang.

"So what's this trip about Ed?" She asked in that girly voice of hers.

Ed frowned and remembered. He was going on a trip with Colonel Perv for god knows how long.

"Ed? What's the matter?" She asked cheerfully.

"What do you mean what's the matter? I have to go on this stupid trip to the ruins of Xerxes with the person I hate the most for maybe weeks!!" Ed groaned.

Just then Winry had a frown on her face like something was up.

Ed looked alarmed. With the tiniest bit of uncertainty in his croaky voice, he sat up in his hospital bed. "Where is that bastard, anyways?"

A tear rolled down Winry's face and dropped onto the shin of Edward's left automail leg. "huh? W-Winry what's wrong?!" Ed said worriedly to the ponytailed girl.

Winry snapped out of it, pretending like everything was okay, wiping the tear mark away off of her face. "It's nothing! I'm fine, see?" She pulled a huge fake smile at the now worried Ed.

There was a pause.

"Winry." The golden haired boy sternly said.

Her cobalt blue eyes streamed with tears. Ed wasn't surprised that much, but he did somewhat care for his mechanic/childhood friend.

He leaned forward without a word and wore no emotion on his face. He just wrapped his slightly tight, pink and tingly arms around her middle and asked her again what was wrong.

"E-Edward, you're always getting hurt!! And..you shouldn't have to since you've been through a lot!" She cried out as she sobbed into Ed's non metal shoulder, pointing at the laying down Roy. "Ah so there's the bastard."

Ed gathered some courage and strength to dare to ask what had happened to them.

Winry wasn't crying anymore, but she still had a dull expression on her face. "...Well.. you and The Colonel fell unconscious, due to the smoke. "Smoke?What smoke?!" Ed alarmingly said.

"..Back at Central HQ there was a fire." The pretty girl explained. Ed gasped. "Is that why my arms and torso feel all weird?" Ed queried.

"Yes, you did suffer from mild burns from the flames, but not bad ones."

"And Mustang?" Asked Ed. "Well he was more far away from the flames than you were, Ed." Winry sounded very serious when she said this. 'Ed's always..getting hurt..'

"Oh, good for him I guess." Ed said trying not to sound too caring, as he remembered that he hated him for being such an asshole and a creepy pervert.

Mustang slowly opened his eyes and let out a moan. He wore panic on his face. "Wh-where, what, where am I!!"

Hawkeye walked over to soothe Roy. "Colonel, you passed out in the fire that you started."

Quite quickly, he remembered everything. He was trying to make a pass at Edward, but the blond ran and so he had unthinkingly set fire to his coat. Ed got mad, threw the flaming coat to the ground, which the flame then traveled up the curtains and had managed to set off a big BOOM. Then everything went black.

Roy looked across the room to find Ed getting his automail fixed by a girl his age who was either his mechanic or his girlfriend. Or both.

'So are they a couple or something?' The raven haired man thought to himself, a little sad.

Ed got up from his unnecessary hospital bed after Winry was done and took a few steps towards Mustang's bed.
He peered through the pale blue curtains to see the taller man laying in bed, slightly sitting up. Riza was having a conversation with Winry in the meantime.

"You okay Colonel?" Edward said to him sympathetically. Ed hardly ever used this tone and if he did, he would usually be talking to Al.

As the boy said this, his golden eyes were focused on the corner where the floor ended and also had a slight blush on his face.

Roy really liked no loved the way Ed very rarely cared a tiny bit for him just every occasion. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He said confidently.

Ed's blushed faded and his honey eyes went from concern and sweetness, to pure determination. The younger male stood tall and put his hands on his hips. "Well then, what are we waiting for! We got a trip to go on!" He almost shouted, wearing a big toothy grin on his face.

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