~The stars are beautiful, just like your sleeping face~XV

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Ed lay on his back in his sleeping bag, holding up his automail arm to the bright desert stars.

He remembered how he had always loved watching the stars with Al, Winry and Mum.
'Mum.....' Ed thought sadly as his eyelids dropped.

"Roy do you think the stars are beautiful?" The blond asked.

Roy was just about to answer Edward's question, but the prodigy had already drifted off into a land of sleep.

As Ed fell into slumber, Mustang watched the blond curiously as he shifted unconsciously, lifting his tank top half way up his half toned stomach (Ed is only 13 so it's not possible for him to be fully toned yet, due to the laws of nature and edvolution. See what I did there? ;3) and rested his hand on top of it.

'He is so cute when he's sleeping, Roy thought.

The raven gazed upon the snoozing teen and came a little closer.

Ever so lightly, Mustang stroked the blond's undone hair. "Yes, Edward. The stars are beautiful, just like your sleeping face." Roy placed the boy's pocket watch next to where his small body lay, chuckled to himself, then went back to his sleeping bag and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

(Gomen! It's so tiny, but it was a cute/fluff idea :3)

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