Chapter 2: Distant

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Luis' POV:

The feel of her was electrifying. From the way her breasts plumped up against my chest to the curve of her hips when I caged her against me.

In my mind, she has always been just Seymone to me.

because I still cannot reconcile the fact that this little spitfire is Leone's long half-sister which makes her...

A princess.

I have interacted with royalty and elite women all my life but I have never met anyone bursting with such raw energy like her.

From the very first moment I spoke to her, she was absolutely fiery and incredibly protective of those she deemed worthy of her affection.

She has demonstrated it with Miss Sarina and I have seen how she still keeps her old set of friends even with the rise of her status.

It denotes a rare loyalty that even I can admire for most society females drop and discard friends like they are last season's fashion.

"Could you let me go?" she asked me and I was jarred out of my thoughts as I loosened my hold on her and tucked the small gun I had hidden in my person in swift motions.

"Forgive me, Miss Seymone. It was...reflexes; I apologize for my unseemingly inappropriate behavior." I bowed to her.

"O..okay. But what are you doing here so uhm..late?" she asked.

I picked up a small plate. It was something thought of when I was at an online meeting with Leone today.

A matcha roll cake.

I promised her that I would make a snack for her just in case and this was what I thought when taking into account that the princess might enjoy something tea flavored and light yet sweet.

"The recipe was technical which is why it took me some time to prepare it," I said as she stared at the light green sponge cake.

She was looking at the plate with unconcealed excitement. Wasting no time; she took a small spoon from the kitchen counter and took a healthy bite.

Her eyes glowed, the hazel brown color turning a dark amber color and her face flushed pink as she moaned in delight as she ate one more bite and then another.

"This is delicious! " she licked her lips when she finished the plate. The way she looked after eating desserts was....

I blinked when I felt my body react as she licked the spoon and sucked off the last of the cream with relish.

"Ahem well....I left the rest of it cooling in the fridge. I won't be here for 2 days hence I also cooked some meals and soup you can microwave." I turned my back as I took off the apron and hung it on the wall peg.

"Another conference meeting somewhere? Hmmm, guess I will have to scarf down whatever you made me until you return. I am sure it would be delicious..." She washed the small plate swiftly. "Uhm....Luis?"

"Yes, Miss Seymone?" I did not turn to face her but I felt her sudden hesitation.

"Can't you call me Sey when we are alone at least?" she said softly "Addressing like that makes me feel are distancing yourself from me."

The way she said it unexpectedly hit home.

How I wish that we could go back to being friends as well but it is different now.

"I cannot do that. If anything else; I am already making an exception for you because you should be addressed as Princess or Lady Seymone as is befitting your title." I answered back, my usual control is in place and I felt a sense of relief.

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