🥀Chapter 3🥀

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I groan in frustration as I slam my hand down on my desk.

I am stuck with Kim Lin-Sung for the rest of my college life!?

No. No. Maybe if I pinch myself, I'll wake up back in my home, cuddled in MY bed.

So I pinch myself. But no, I'm still in this cramped dorm, meaning I'm still stuck with Lin.

🥀The next morning🥀

"Wake up." I gently whisper to Lin. He stirs in his sleep, but continues snoring.

"I said—" I began, picking up a pillow. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I yell, hitting him with the pillow.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" Lin shouts back, sitting up.

"Class starts in 10 minutes, and you haven't even had a shower." I state.

"I'll just take one after gym. It's first period for me." Lin explains.

"If you say so." I say, grabbing my backpack and heading to the cafeteria for breakfast.

🥀In class🥀

"Maya Anne?"

"Jamey Hernandez?"

"August Linden?"

"Kien Lyalls?"
"Not here." I reply, sarcastically. I literally talked to this teacher this morning, and he's already forgotten.

Then the bell rings. Off to advanced calculus III, I guess.

-At lunch-

"Kein! Over here!" My friend, Taylor, yells at me. I smile at him, walking towards him.

Here's a secret; I have a crush on Taylor and I can tell he likes me back. Now, I gotta work up the courage to explain my emotional connection towards him.



Hey, Myst here. So, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Kitty_Incidence since today is his birthday🎉

Hey birthday, Kitty. I hope you get enough frosting *wink wink*

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