🥀Chapter 7 🥀

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🥀Lin's POV🥀



I'm not athletic, whatsoever. I can walk to the vending machine, which is right across my dorm and back, feeling tired.

Yeah, not athletic. Or in fit shape.

I hear someone groan, I look over to see Kian. "Please tell me today's Sunday!" He pleads, sitting up.

"No, stupid. Today's Monday." I reply, pointing at the calendar.

"Ok, cool. Kickball. My favorite sport." He replied, sarcasm dripping.

~In school~

"So, we have to work with our roommate." Luka groaned, slamming her notebook on the table. We were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch. After this was...

I felt a chill up my spine as the word made it's way out of my mouth.


~Out on the field~

"Ok, attention students!" Jason began, yelling into the mic. "First, get with your roommate!"

I waved goodbye to Luka, and went to find Kian.

Once I found him, we went to sit down.

"Ok, everyone found their roommate?" Jason asks, a crowd of "YES" erupting.

"Good. So, how this works is one roommate will be on the kicking side, one will be on the outfield. Ok, discuss who will be where, and when I blow the whistle, GO!"

"I call being outfield!" I yell. Less exercise for me.

"Ugh, fine." Kian groaned, growling at me. "Can't believe I'm letting a low class choose what role I do. It should be the opposite!" Kian yells.

"Whatever." I said casually, but deep down I was hurting. Knowing all I'll ever be is a poor low class.

🥀Kian's POV🥀

~•On the field•~

"Kian should go first." Taylor says.
(A/N: If you can't remember who Taylor is, he's Kian's best friend and crush.)

Any suggestion Taylor makes, I'll agree with. I'd kill for that man. I'd even kill my worst enemy if it meant Taylor was out of harm.

Wait, I'd kill Lin anyways, if I ever had the chance.

"Hello!? Earth to Kian!" Taylor yells, moving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh. What!?" I ask, confusion hitting me like a baseball bat.

"You're up." Taylor says, pushing me up a little.

"Oh, ha." I chuckled a bit, fixing my posture as the ball rolls towards. I run out, kicking the ball. Or so O thought, until I made impact with the hard, rocky ground.


I woke up, looking at a beige ceiling.

"Oh, Kian. You're awake." The nurse says, smiling.

"W-what happened?" I asked, blinking my eyes.

"Well, you were about to kick the ball, when the ball rolled under your feet, and you hit your head. I'm writing you an excuse to go back to your dorm and rest. Nothing too major, a small bump on your head. Here." She says, handing me a Tylenol and some water. I take the pill. She hands me an ice pack. "Leave on it your head for about 45 minutes to an hour. Off you go, young man!"

I smile, limping to my next class. Most of sprained my ankle, too.


"Kian! Are you ok?" Taylor asks, hugging me. I instantly hug him back.

It was just a bro hug to him, but meant so much to me.

"I'm fine."

"Ok. Well, I'll let you rest." He replied, ushering me off. "Bye, bro!"

"Bye." I hesitated a minute. "Bro."


I walk in. "Lin, i'm back." No response.

Oh, he told me he wouldn't be in the dorm after kickball due to personal reasons.

I walk in to my table, and I see the dead rose, which I specifically throw away this morning, on my nightstand.

Hmm, maybe Lin picked it pack up. Going on my side, what a bitch.

Ring ring

I pick up my iPhone XS, answering it.

"Hello, is this Kian Lyalls?"

"Yes, this is he."

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?" I ask, then he hung up.

What's going on? First a dead rose, than a creepy guy calls me?

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