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Scottish court 1542

King James V and Queen Marie de Guise of scottland were Anna and James ruled together for many years already, Scots couldn't be happier than now because the Queen gave birth to a healthy princess her name was Mary Stuart. Scotland was one of the most prosperous countries in the world so the King and Queen of France needed an alliance that's why they came to visit Scottland with their 2-year-old son William. They wanted that Mary would marry their son William.

When Henry and Catherine arrived at the Scottish court, and they couldn't believe how beautiful it was. They were staring at the whole castle from nowhere a female voice said:,, Welcome to scottland or how you say it in France, bienvenue en ecosse.'' Catherine and Henry turned around and saw the king and queen of France with the little princess Mary on the queen's arms.

William was already one-year-old and Mary was only some months old but as William saw her he didn't like her from the first second. ,, Your majestys,my beloved wife, and I are very happy to be here. We wanted that our countries would be as one that's why we wanted to offer you a marriage between our oldest son and your daughter'' said Henry while he took Catherine's hand, , Well I think we still have a few small things to discuss''

After months of discussions both of the country came to a compromise that Mary will marry William on her 15th birthday.

But then Catherine understood that it isn't good for France, Mary will never be the queen of Scotland, and William would be only king of France a poor country and only the prince of Scottland. She knew that if James and Marie will die Mary will never become the Queen of Scotland, and Scotland will become a part of France because Valois are related to the Stuarts, so she decided to kill James V and Marie de guise in which she poisend their clothes, but she couldn't kill Mary she was just a innocent child. So Catherine hid her in a convent for 15 years, but then Henry VIII died, and Francis becomes king, and looked for servants and of course Mary was one of them.

Mary woke up and said: ,,Catherine''

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