Chapter 4

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    Chapter 4

    Brigid grunted as she pulled her cart to a stop at the top of the mountain ridge. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she took a look around. The massive evergreen trees of the forest gave way to a wide clearing, hundreds of paces across, forming a ring around the tallest tree she'd ever seen. Standing hundreds of paces high, and at least a hundred paces around, the Great Tree of the Northern Faeries commanded a stunning view. On their trip there, Finnoula had told Brigid that the green shape they'd seen in the distance was her family's tree, but she hadn't believed her until this moment. In the sea of sharp, harsh pine, the smooth white bark and large, round leaves of the Great Tree stood in stark contrast against the usual rough brown bark and sharp green needles of the surrounding forest. Brigid followed the base of the tree, looking up until it disappeared into a low-hanging cloud, feeling very small.

    In the distant branches of the Great Tree, she could see several small shapes dropping down, spreading leaf-like wings and soaring to where she stood. Looking up, she saw her friend, Finnoula, hovering in the air above her, long blond hair flowing in the wind as she, too, looked toward the approaching faeries.

    Trying to seem casual, Brigid reached behind her into the cart, grasping the stock of her airbolt.

    "Relax, Bridge," Finnoula said, flashing her dazzling teeth in a smile as she landed on the ground next to her. "There won't be any trouble."

    "Force of habit," Brigid said, relaxing her shoulders but keeping the airbolt within arms reach.

    Four of the faeries broke away into the forest, leaving the remaining two to land in front of them, folding brownish red wings against their backs, tucking them behind their sets of bows and quivers. The faeries wore identical dark green uniforms- long trousers and shirts mad of thick, strong leafy material like Finnoula's dress, but more armor-like. Their heads were covered with bark-like helms with narrow slits for eyes, but Brigid could tell they were female by the way they held themselves. Brigid guessed they were soldiers or guards, and was proven right when they saluted Finnoula by bring their right hands up to their forehead, relaxing when Finnoula returned the same gesture.

    "Lady Finnoula, you have returned," said one as she stepped forward.

    "I'm afraid so," Finnoula said. "Rory, Bonnie, this is my good friend Brigid. Brigid, my lieutenants Rory and Bonnie."

Brigid held out her hand, but got only curt nods from the faeries in turn. "Nice to meet you, too," she muttered as they turned away from her.

    "We've just come from Ashfurn village," Finnoula said, gesturing to Brigid. "She saw a leprechaun there not two hours ago."

    Bonnie bristled and muttered something that Brigid couldn't catch.

    "It must be the same one that attacked us," said Rory.

    "I agree, so we must move quickly. Bonnie, fly ahead and inform my father about the Ashfurn leprechaun. Rory, Brigid, follow me."

    Bonnie nodded, then bent her legs and leapt into the air, extending her wings and flapping downward with great force, sending Brigid's hair flying in the wind. She turned and followed Finnoula on foot toward the Great Tree, with Rory hovering in the air above them. The closer she got to the Tree, the more impressed Brigid was- she could seen now that the bulk of the tree wasn't a single trunk, but a network of smaller trunks growing in parallel, woven together into the outer walls of the faerie's home. Here and there among the white bark, she could see windows with gossamer-like curtains blocking the view inside.

    They made their way to the grand entrance- a massive cavity in the tree that was guarded by two well-armed faeries that nodded to Finnoula and gave Brigid a raised eyebrow as they walked past.

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