Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Brigid sat waiting in a small chamber off from the main hall of the Great Tree, reassembling her airbolt for the third time. Finnoula had gone to see the faerie council the night before, and left her with Rory. The room was circular and the walls were the same white color as the main hallShe'd wanted to accompany Finnoula upstairs to the council chamber, but understood when she asked her to wait, instead. Could be worse, she thought. At least she didn't have to climb all the way to the top of the ruddy tree.

She'd had to spend the night in a tiny, dark room in an uncomfortable hammock, just the way she liked it. The only bad part of her stay had been Rory, who kept waking her up to claim that Brigid was snoring.

"What is that thing, anyway?" Rory asked from across the room. The faerie was seated on a plush, leafy cushion similar to the one Brigid occupied, but slightly taller and a deeper shade of red. She was crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall while watching Brigid work.

"It's my version of a crossbow," said Brigid, clicking the compressed air cylinder in place under the brass shaft of the barrel.

Brigid held the airbolt up, inspecting the various connections before hefting it up to point at the wall opposite her. "Would you care for a demonstration?"

"Perhaps after we leave," said Rory.

Brigid flashed her teeth in a smile and put the airbolt down beside her on the low, twisted leg end table beside her cushion and leaned back, mocking Rory's pose. "So, what's your job around here, anyway?"

"I'm a lieutenant in the Northern Faerie High Guard," said Rory, a note of pride in her voice.

"That's a lot of words to describe a lackey," said Brigid.

"A what?" Rory asked, sitting up straight in her seat.

"You know, a lackey. Someone who follows a real leader, like Finnoula."

"A lieutenant is a leader," said Rory.

"If you say so." Brigid turned her head as the thin, white branches making up the wall began unraveling, opening up to reveal Finnoula. Rory stood up fast, facing her captain as Brigid picked up her airbolt.

"How did it go, my lady?" asked Rory, and Brigid suppressed a snort.

Finnoula let out a deep breath. "Father and the rest of the council agreed to my request. We will take the leprechaun with us to catch the thief." She gestured toward the door. "Pack your things, we leave immediately. The guard will bring the prisoner outside to us."

"Oh, no, are we leaving already?" asked Brigid as she stood up, gathered her airbolt and rearranged her clothes, checking that her knives were still in place. "We just got here, I wanted to see more of the wonders of the Faerie kingdom, and so forth." She smiled at Finnoula and made her way out the door, hearing her friend almost prevent herself from laughing.

"Oh come on, Bridge," said Finnoula as they walked back through the great hall, Rory having gone to the armory and supplies sections. "There must be something here that you liked."

Brigid thought for a moment, looking around the glittering, white room around her. A few Faeries were walking past, shooting glances at her when they thought she wasn't looking. "Well, the wall drawings aren't too bad," she gestured at one of the larger examples, a Faerie in flight, a sword-like staff in hand fighting a dark, intimidating enemy near the main entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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