Jonathan | Promises

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Running, while holding up your heavy dress, was quiet impossible. Your legs couldn't hold up, but you continued, until you fell upon a steep hill with a running river. Staring at it, it lead towards the ocean.

"Get her! She's right there!"

Panicking, not even thinking twice, you ran straight ahead into the cold, deep river. Your heavy dress sank you down, as you tried to resurface and run to the other side, but you struggled. Hands clawing upwards, to no avail, you stopped.


Walking down the streets, you stared at every delicious fresh stands. Bread, fruits, meat, fish, any possible delicious food ever sold in mind. You salivated thinking about it, but held yourself. Walking further down, you came across an open field, and walked towards the plains. Scanning the area, you spotted a small arena with people around, so you made your way over to the commotion. Nearing, you heard people yelling and shouting the name Dio. Squeezing through, you saw a masculine blonde, beating up another masculine boy, but with dark blue hair. You watched it all, until the blonde, who was Dio, won.

Everyone left, but you still stayed. Approaching the beat up blue-nette, you checked his pulse and lifted him up, carrying him to a nearby tree. Setting him down, you quietly stared at his face. It was truly handsome, but not enough for you to swoon over, you think. You slowly and carefully cleaned off his blood with your ragged shirt, when you finished, you took in his features. You've been staring for awhile, so you hadn't noticed that he's woken and been staring back at you. When you noticed, you silently rose up and walked away.


Stopping in your tracks, you didn't face him, but stood still waiting for him to continue.

"D-did you watch over me and c-clean me?"

Turning your head over your shoulder, you stared at him, before turning back around. The boy stared at your back confusedly. He thought to himself, and promised to find you and to thank you.

5 years later*


Every student cheered, and screamed, as the duo made the final touchdown. Everyone swarmed the two, asking various questions and such.

But from afar, stood a figure in the dark.


As the two made their way home, Jonathan felt a presence, so he stayed behind, until Dio was out of sight. Jonathan careful inspected the area, and found something or someone hiding behind in a tree. Slowly, he approached it, but it disappeared. He scratched his head, but soon a group of men came by.

"Hey you!"

Jonathan stared at them, pointing to himself,"M-Me?"

The older man of the group barked,"Of course you! Have you seen anyone passing by here?"

Jonathan tilted his head,"Who?"

The man growled and yelled,"I'm looking for a young lady about your age! She came down this path, and wore dirty rags with a cape."

"Why do you want her?" Jonathan questioned.

The man snarled,"She has to pay! She done some unfinished business, and if she isn't going to pay up, she's going to get beheaded!"

Jonathan's eyes went wide,"Oh-"

"Have you seen her or not!?"

Jonathan shook his head, as the group of men angrily cursed and walked away. Jonathan sighed, and turned to his original direction, until a loud thud was heard. Turning around, his eyes were wide and he rushed towards the figure.

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