Polnareff | France

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Hopping of the plane, you couldn't help but gawk at the scenery before your eyes. You finally arrived in France, the place you dreamed of visiting for their couture/fashion.

Fixing your (f/c) trench coat, you grabbed your suitcase, strolling it from behind you. Your heels clicked with every step, as you finally passed the airport, out to see the thriving city. Mouth agape in awe, your (e/c) eyes glistened at all the fashionable ladies and many beauty stores.

Squealing quietly in glee, you hailed yourself a taxi, but non avail. Pursing your lips in defeat, you were about to just wander around, until a deep, yet light voice spoke behind you.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle. Are you in need of help?"

Turning around, your breath hitched at the sight infront of you. Before you stood a man, close to, or maybe six feet tall. But what shocked you more was his straight-ly tall, white hair. As you still gawked at his looks, he spoke again.

"Madame? You alright?"

Shaking your head clear, you gave him an awkward smile,"Pardon me, haha. I was just admiring your looks!"

Hearing what came out your mouth, you slapped it shut. The man smiled at your words, chuckling,"It's alright, madame. For you're quite beauté."

Blushing, you softly laughed,"Merci, monsieur."

"Aucun problème, belle." He complimented, and smiled.

Forgetting your manners, you stuck a hand to him,"Pardon, again, but my name's Y/n L/n!"

Taking your small hand in his large ones, he introduced back,"Lovely name. Jean Pierre Polnareff."

Giggling, you then felt how his large hands felt calloused, cracked, and hard. Taking your hand away, you held your suitcase,"So, mind showing me around?"

Laughing, he winked at you,"I don't mind, princesse."


Polnareff had showed you around every popular spot for tourists, and even locals. You enjoyed every time with him, as he would always began going off on what he enjoyed and disliked of the place. He was kind hearted, willingly to show you around, no hesitation, and even being kind enough to pay for a few souvenirs, or clothes. You would get bashful and rejected his offer everytime, saying you can handle it, but his gentleman like self kept insisting, making you to laugh and allow him to do whatever.

As you spent more time with him touring, you soon grew fond of him. Beginning to carefully notice his features. You noticed how his blue eyes sparkled with life, when he spoke of France. You noticed how every word he spot through those soft, chapped lips were sincere and full of heart. The way his muscles shown nicely out, flexing with every subtle move he made. But as your eyes wandered down, you noticed bandages around him.

Finally at a spot to rest, you both sat on a bench, facing a large lake.

Stretching, Polnareff folded his arms behind his head,"Ah, time to relax."

Biting your lips, you stared at the bandages from the corners of your eyes. Fidgeting with your coat button, you spoke lowly, but enough for him to hear,"Polnareff, m-may I ask you a question?"

Chuckling, he hummed,"Sure, princesse."

Taking a deep breathe, you fully turned towards his way,"What happened to you?"

Turning his eyes to look at you, you panicked, waving your hands around,"Pa-pardon the inappropriate question! I was just curious on those bandages."

Letting a laugh, he turned towards you smiling,"It's quite a long story, princesse. Do you really want to know?"

Looking to the side, you played with your hair,"Only if you want too. I don't want to put stress on you, Polney."

Cheeks bright at your nickname to him, he softly smiled,"It's okay. Plus, I think it'll be a nice idea to let it out to someone."

Turning your eyes to him, your eyes softened as you noticed his eyes held distance, hurt, anger, despair and adventure.

Rubbing his bicep comfortly, you softly spoke,"I'm here to listen, Polny."

Taking a deep exhale, he began telling you his story. Of how his sister was killed, to how he got his stand, how he met these men in Egypt, and many more adventures that happened so on. Your face didn't falter from a calm demeanor, as you sat there, rubbing his arm, nodding and listening. There were moments where tears pricked your eyes, but you held them in, as he cried for you, but more for himself. You couldn't believe how a loving, kind hearted, handsome gentleman went through all this pain and suffering, but still keeping a happy demeanor, especially towards you. He could've just left you to wander off. He could've just ignored your existence. He could've just kept to himself. But he didn't.

Hearing him finish, he still had tears streaming down his pale cheeks. Leaning to him, you softly kissed his cheeks, wiping the tears,"I'm proud of you."

Looking at you in shock, he sniffed,"What do you mean? I'm a weak man. I don't deserve anything, I should've been the one who disappeared. I can't even protect those I love and cherish."

Heart breaking at those words, you stood on your knee, pulling his face towards yours. His eyes widened in shock, as you were biting your quivering lips, with watery eyes,"Y/n?"

Holding his face tightly, you frowned at him angrily,"Don't talk like that! You're not weak, look at yourself! You've made it this far, you did your best! Your friends are up there, smiling and laughing as you continue to live your life for them! You can't say you don't deserve anything, because you happened to earn loving friends! Things happen and you can't control it. They sacrificed and died for you and the others, so you can keep going and win for them. If you're so weak, then why are you telling me this? Why are you even laughing and talking to me? Why are you even enjoying my company, when you could be at home mourning!? You're not weak, Jean Pierre Polnareff!!"

Panting out of breathe, you stared into his wide blue eyes, as you softly let his face go,"You're not weak."

Staring at you flushed face, he gently grabbed your chin,"Ma chérie, you don't know how much those words mean to me right now."

Wiping your tears, you stared at him,"Heh *sniffs*. Then show me."

Smiling at he softly kissed your soft lips, as he held your chin. Closing your eyes, savoring the moment, you both parted, faces flushed.

"Mon amour, will you be mine tonight?"

Rubbing your thumb on his cheek, you chuckled,"Emmène-moi au paradis, Polney."

emmène-moi au paradis means take me to paradise uwu hope you enjoy reading this story!!

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