Narancia | Idiot

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Slamming your hand against the table, your chair skidded back loudly, as you fumed with anger.


"B-But, I was clo-"

Grabbing the young 16 year old by the collar, you pulled him up from his seat, making him lean on the table towards you,"BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WASN'T EVEN CLOSE! HE FOUND ELECTRICITY!!"

You then slammed his head on the table, and began to yell his ears off.

In the distance watching, Fugo and Mista watched.

Mista shook his head,"Does this run in the family?"

Fugo sighed, rubbing his temple,"No..only she and I had bad tempers."


Hands in your baggy pants pockets, you made your way through the streets. Head low, you kept your eye of vision low, as you hated giving eye contact to people, even towards people you were close too. Not even Bucciarati could look you in the eyes. You didn't know why, but you felt that if you stared at someone too long, you wanted to snap and do something sinful.

Blanking out, you bumped into someone, instead of you falling, the other fell instead. Leaning back cooly, you brushed your hair back and took in a breath.

"Sorry, I was looking where I was-"

You stopped in mid sentence when you saw who it was. Eyes twitching, you held in your anger, pivoting into the opposite direction. You sped walked, but the person caught up, gripping onto your shoulder.

Snapping your neck backwards, you barked,"Hands off, rat!"

Shrugging their hand off, you continued, but they pursued. Stopping, you angrily turned around, socking them in the stomach.


Your sudden outburst caused a scene, as passerbys stared. Looking around at all of them, you barked at them to fuck off as well. Seeing that they left, you turned towards the person, spitting at the ground.

"What do you fucking want now, asshole!?"

The person chuckled, grabbing your chin with his fingers,"Still beautiful as when I left you." He turned your chin to the side, examining your face.

Swatting his hand away, you bawled your hands inside your pockets,"Stop fucking following me. You left and I'm not taking you back."

He leaned down towards your face, staring straight at you, but you averted your eyes to the right.

Chuckling, he leaned closer to your ears,"I know all your secrets. Take me back and I won't tell it to your little group of friends."

Shadow covering your eyes, you head butted his head from the side. Earning him to fall down holding his head, your dark eyes stared down at his pitiful form.

Spitting on the ground, you snarled,"Do it. See if I care, Prosciutto."


Opening the door to the mansion, you walked in, softly closing the door. It was very late at night and you knew everyone was sleeping by now. Heading towards the kitchen, you grabbed a bottle of the strongest wine. Popping it open, you took a large swig from it, exhaling in relaxation. Leaning on the chair, head back and your free arm dangling, you couldn't help but think of why you were with Prosciutto in the first place.

Closing your eyes, you took another swig at it, until you heard footsteps coming downstairs. Quickly hiding it under the table, you sat up straight and casually folded your hands, as if you were just thinking late at night.

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