Jonathan | Play Date

505 17 2

I'm writing this while in class MWAHAHAHA


Checking yourself out in your full body mirror, you did a small turn, admiring your beauty.

"Lady Y/n, you're carriage is here."

Looking at your butler, you gave him a curt nod,"I will be down."

Hearing his footsteps retreat, you stared at yourself in your mirror one last time, before heading down.


Arriving to your destination, you adjusted your mask that covered the top half of your face.

"Lady Y/n."

Your butler bowed, to you, as he opened the carriage for you. Giving him a curt nod, he and the carriage left.

Looking up at the mansion, you were quite amazed at its beauty. Walking down it's cobblestone floor, your heels clicked, as you made way to the door.

The guards quickly bowed at you, opening the door for you to enter.

You stood there as a bright light hit your eyes, as a grand masquerade ball was right infront of you. Slowly walking in, you were hit with many scent of perfumes, mixed along with champagne and wine.

Hearing the door shut behind you, you made your way to the snack bar. Looking at its array of small hand foods, you picked up a small fruit skewer. Brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, you ate a fruit, feeling it's tasting components explode in your mouth. Holding your cheek with your other hand, you hummed I delight as you chewed it.

"Excuse me miss."

Turning your head to the side, you spotted a masked, brute sized man with dark blue hair.

Swallowing your food, you gave a small curtsie,"Evening sir."

Looking up at him, you can feel his built up tension and uncomfortableness.

Grinning at him, you teasingly cooed,"My, what a strong man you are! Maybe we can go somewhere else besides here~"

Seeing his shoulders tighten up, you couldn't help but giggle at his bashfulness.

Turning back to the snacks, you grabbed a small sandwich,"Hungry as well?"

Humming, he grabbed a sandwich as well,"Not really."

Turning around, you faced the crowd of extravagant wealthy, rich men and women talking amongst themselves.

Biting your sandwich, you boredly looked at them,"It gets lonely."

Turning his eyes to you, he hummed,"How so?"

Sighing, you dreamily stared up at the tall ceiling,"I want freedom..." Looking at the sandwich in your gloved hand, you sighed once again, before setting its unfinished content back on the table,"I guess it's not meant for a woman like me."

All he could do was stare at you with sympathy. Smiling at you, he reached a hand out to you,"I can show you around."

Grinning, you placed your small hands on his large ones,"I would love that."


Squealing, you giggly ran away, as the brute man ran after you.

Picking up your heavy dress, you laughed out, as you kept running,"Leave me alone!"

Laughing as well, he picked you up from the hips, twirling you,"Got you!"

Kicking your feet, you giggled, as he embraced you from behind.

He was hugging you from behind, with his strong arms holding you secure. You felt embarrassed, but enjoyed it.

Clearing your throat, you slowly patted his arm,"You can let go now."

"O-oh! Sorry!" He stammered in embarrassment.

Turning to look at him, you wanted to see his face, but held yourself from snatching the mask away.

"Is there something wrong, miss?"

Blinking, you waved your hand,"No! Let's just head back."

Nodding, you both headed back inside.

Once inside, a blonde man approached you two, well, mainly the man next to you.

"Where have you been, Jonathan? Father was looking for you."

Looking up at him, he also had a mask on, as well as being brutely large.

Noticing you were there, he smirked,"Hello," grabbing your hand, he gave your knuckles a soft kiss,"I'm Dio."

Feeling your cheeks warm up, you slowly retracted your hand back,"Pleasure meeting you, Dio."

Smirking at you, he quickly frowned at Jonathan,"You need to stop playing around."

Clenching his fist, Jonathan held his chest high,"I was just showing, Miss Y/n here around."

Scoffing, Dio crossed his arms,"You just want to mess around. You don't want to be responsible, so you took a young lady away for your own pleasure."

Eyes wide, Jonathan took a step to Dio,"I wouldn't do such a thing!"

Feeling the tension, you looked between the two,"Uhm, I-"

"You need to take responsibility, Jonathan."

"I am, and I will never do such an un-gentleman thing to a beautiful lady!"

Cheeks ablaze, you quickly stood between the brute man, standing right between their large chest.

Face burning from where you stood, you calmly patted Jonathan's chest,"Jonathan, it's okay! Calm down-"

Feeling your wrist being pulled, you were held tightly by the waist and hip, as Dio leaned his face to you.

Smirking, he whispered into your ear,"You're just Jonathan's little play date for today, you'll be nothing more, just like his last one."

Feeling yourself get pulled by Jonathan, he held your tightly by his side,"Leave us alone, Dio."

Chuckling, Dio did a quick bow to you,"Goodbye, Miss Y/n."

You watched as he walked away.

Holding you tightly, Jonathan stared down at you,"Are you okay, Miss Y/n? Did he say anything to you?"

Staring up at him, you gave a small smile,"I'm alright! Don't worry!" Removing yourself from him, you slowly backed away,"It's a bit late and I must get going!"

Baffled, he opened his pocket watch,"It's barely past 9.."

Chuckling, you playfully laughed,"I have things planned tomorrow! I need my sleep, I hope you understand."

Looking up at him, he stare was hard, but quickly went soft as he smiled warmly at you,"No worries, Miss Y/n."

Giving a curtsie, you smiled at him,"Goodbye, Jonathan. It's been a great pleasure meeting you tonight."

Bowing at you, Jonathan smiled,"Right back at you, Miss Y/n."

Nodding, you quickly rushed out the mansion. Once out, you quickly looked for your carriage and got on.

"You're back early, Lady Y/n."

Smiling, you removed your mask,"Party has been, interesting."

Nodding at you, he motioned for the man to take us home.

Looking out at the window, you can see a dark large silhouette, watching you depart.

Feeling a chilling sensation run up your spine, you replayed what Dio has said.

"Playdate....just like his last..."

Closing your fist tightly, you recalled Jonathan's weird behaviour.

Thinking to yourself, you looked away from the window.

Why did he look at me like I really just a playdate to him...?

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