"Hot Choclate."

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The sobs were stifled at first as he attempted to hide his grief, then overcome by the wave of his emotions he would break down entirely, all his defences washed away in those salty tears. When he at last turned his face to Steve he was a picture of grief, loss, and devastation. "....I'm just scared...." He mumbled softly, continuing to bury his head in Steve's shoulder.

Billy saying that broke Steves heart in a million pieces. "It's okay, I've got you.." He mumbled, before brushing a blond lock behind Billy's ear, and then gently took his chin to make him look at him. "They can't hurt you anymore." He said, before pulling him back into the tight hug.

Billy looked back up at Steve in tears. "...I hope so....." He whispered quietly. "....Thank you." He smiled and closed his eyes. "I don't ever wanna be like that again.."

"It's no problem.." He said quietly back to the male, his voice soft. "Do you need anything? Like, to eat or drink? I can make hot cocoa-" Steve asked, still worried for Billy. He couldn't imagine the shit he's gone through- the shit he's seen.

"Yeah...I'd like that, thank you." He smiled and hugged Steve. "I appreciate it." He said quietly.

"Alright, I'll be right back. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." He said, softly, before pulling away and walking to the kitchen. He quickly made the requested hot cocoa, and returned to the other boy. He sat down next to him, and gently handed him the small, warm mug.

Billy looked up with a smile, and took the cup into his hands. The hot chocolate is as rich as it is dark. It flows as slowly as cream as He swirled the mug. He knew the bottom was a mass of sugar crystals that have reformed as it cools. It's cream saturated with sugar and He didn't care. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He smiled softly.

"Don't mention it." He muttered back, taking a sip of his own hot chocolate, before putting the mug back down. "It's my grandma's recipe, so all I really did was look at a piece of paper-" He looked at the other once more.

He quickly drunk the cup of Hot chocolate, and sat the cup down. "Do you mind if I take a shower?" He asked calmly.

"Oh, not at all - I mean - you can go ahead, the bathroom's just down the hall. First room to the left." He said, pointing a finger in the way for him to go. "I'll go get you some clean clothes. "Follow me. He then lead Billy upstairs and to his room, automatically shuffling through his things to find him some clothes, and Pulled out a pair of sweats, clean boxers and a t-shirt.

"Thanks." Billy smiled and took the pair of clothes. "Finally clean clothes. I've been wearing the same ones for months. It's disgusting."

Steve nodded. "I'm sure of it." He then lead him to the bathroom, finding him a towel. "I'll wash your clothes for you, you can keep those for now." He smiled

"Gone." - Harringrove, Steve & Billy Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum