CH. 1 Reincarnate

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I woke up in the woods with black make up all over my body. “what happened last night?” i thought out loud. I quickly got up and started to find my way out of the woods. I had no idea where i was, but i quickly found my way out. “22nd and woodlan.” i said looking at the street signs indicating where i was. I knew how to get home from here since it was 2 blocks from where i was.

I found my house within a matter of minutes and walked in where my mother and Step-Dad were arguing. They’re always fighting about something, but this time it was about me. I tried to make my way up the stairs to my room, but they caught me. “Do you have any idea what time it is!” Tom yelled at me. “Don’t talk to my daughter like that.” My mother said quietly enough for Tom to hear. “Actually I do, It is exactly 8:00 AM and i’m not asleep in bed because i can hear you two screaming at each other from the back porch. I accidentally fell asleep back there after Hannah left.” Tom looked at me and tried to call my bluff, but he couldn’t because I was so good at lying to him. “Now if you don’t mind i’m gonna go back upstairs into my cave and ignore you for the rest of my life.” Once i said that he grabbed my arm and made me turn to face him. 

“Don’t fucking touch me you asshole!” I screamed in his face. “Tom let go of my daughter!” my mother said attacking him from behind. His grip tightened as she was fighting him. He wouldn’t let go as i tried to get away. I only had one choice to make. I bit down on his arm as hard as i could just so he would let go. His nails dug into my skin, and he finally let go. I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut and locked it. I slid down the door and sat on my floor crying while looking at the scratches and bruise on my arm. “I’m not going to take this anymore.” i said to myself I looked in my closet for any clothes that i could fit into my Misfits bag. Once i had all of the clothes i was going to need I opened my window and climbed out of it.

I pulled out my phone once i was on the ground and called Hannah to come pick me up. She said she would be here in a few minutes. I waited on my neighbors porch for her because i didn’t want Tom and my mother to find out i was gone. A few minutes passed and finally Hannah arrived. “What happened to your arm?” she asked as i got into her car. “Tom happened.” I said with tears burning in my eyes. “No i’m not talking about the one with the scratches and the bruise, i’m talking about the fresh cuts on your arm…” Hannah looked at me in disappointment, and all i could do was look down at the scars and cry. She pulled the car over and hugged me. “I know things are hard at home and I know you can’t stand it, but i’m always going to be here for you. No matter what it is i’m here.” Hannah hugged me even harder than before, and that’s when i couldn’t keep it in anymore and i just let everything that i was feeling out.

“I just feel like i’m the most hopeless case in the world. No one will ever be able to fix me. I’m far past repair.” I cried into Hannah’s shoulder. “I know you always say you can’t fix something that’s broken, but we can use a shit ton of duct tape and say good enough, right?” I looked at her when i was finally calm enough to talk to her and said, “You’re the only person who hasn’t given up on me, and i love you so much for that.” “I love you too Heather. One quick question… Where did all the black makeup on your body come from?” I looked at her then down at my arms and legs. “I honestly don’t know. I woke up in the woods like this.” Hannah looked at me with concern written all over her face. “Let’s just go back to my place for a few days.” She said that and started to drive again. The rest of the car ride wasn’t too bad considering the fact that she lives about an hour away from me. Once we got to her house i opened my bag for a cigarette since it’s been such a rough night and morning. “you don’t care right?” I asked Hannah. “as long as i get a few drags in.” “I’ll give you a pack as long as you don’t smoke it all within a day.” “I love you so much you’re my favorite.” She said hugging me tightly. “Okay i’m suffocating.” i said trying to laugh and break away from her hug. “Please Hannah let me go you’re crushing my insides.” I said trying to contain my laughter.

She finally let me go and i was able to breathe again. “Thank you. Now can i use your shower to get this makeup off of me?” “Yes of course you can.” She said happily. I grabbed my bag out of her trunk and went up her stairs to use her shower. I looked in the mirror and saw the makeup all over my face. I then looked down at the makeup remover and poured on a paper towel. I looked back up at the mirror and started to scrub my face with the towel and it wasn’t coming off, after a few minutes of scrubbing i knew it wasn’t going to work so, i went over to my bag and pulled out my face wash. I squeezed it until it came out and put it all over my face. that seemed to work better than the remover. I still didn’t understand how the black makeup got all over my in the first place. Once i got the makeup off i jumped in the shower to get the rest of the makeup off.


Chris Motionless will come up soon for now i hope you enjoy this ~Heather C: <3

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