CH. 3 I've Been Stung By The Wasp

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  • Dedicated to DARLY

Hannah drove us to Orange Cat where i got a mocha iced capp with extra whipped cream. I always loved extra everything, but never got it all the time since i’m watching what i eat and drink. “Hottie at 3 O’clock.” Hannah said smirking.I turned my head in the direction she was talking about and saw Chris. He looked so hot just standing there waiting for his coffee. I knew better than to acknowledge his presence. When the time was right he would come to me. I looked back at Hannah and asked who she meant. Turns out she meant the barista  that took over the other guys shift. I still had my mind focused on Chris. There’s just something about him that I can’t explain. He’s so mysterious, but at the same time I feel like I know almost everything about him. I was about to make a decision that could impact my life in so many ways. I was going to talk to him. I know it seems weird that I need his permission to even talk to him, but it’s just the way he is.

    I told Hannah that I was going to the bathroom so she wouldn’t find out that Chris never left. I got up from my seat and made my way towards chris. He looked at me with shock all over his face. “Hi.” he said surprised. “Hi.” I replied. “You have some massive bravery to walk away from Hannah and come talk to me.” He stroked my face as I smiled. He brought his face closer to mine, and he whispered. “Stop by later.” He handed me a piece of paper with his address on it. I didn’t hesitate to say yes.

I desperately wanted him, and at this point nothing was going to stop me from getting what I wanted. He walked away as I stood there giving him sex eyes. As he turned the corner he winked, and I walked back to Hannah. “Hey there you are! look at what just happened!” She shoved her phone in my face, and I backed it away from my face to actually see what the article said. “Motionless In White are on tour, and their first stop is Scranton Pennsylvania, Where Chris Motionless was born.” I looked at Hannah with shock. I had no idea Chris was in Motionless In White, In fact I didn’t even think he was in a band, or famous at all.

“Do you know what this means?” Hannah said with excitement in her voice. “No I have no idea.” “This means you and Chris have a chance once again at true love!” I looked at her like she was crazy. The I realized that I needed to tell her everything that has happened the past few days. “Hannah there’s a few things I need to tell you, and please don’t freak out or get mad at me.” “Heather, you can tell me anything.” I looked her in her eyes and said, “I knew Chris came back, I just didn’t know he was in a band. He showed up when I was taking a shower, and again before we came to get coffee. Then surprise he showed up here, and i’m going to his place later.” She looked at me with so much confusion, then she finally understood, and accepted the true love that I still had for him. We both finished our coffee, and drove back home so I could get ready for my unofficial date with Chris.

“What does one wear when she is falling back in love with Chris?” I screamed in Hannah’s room. She came into my room, and said, “Here wear this.” She threw a leather jacket and long black dress with spikes on it on my bed. “And here are your shoes.” She threw my shoes from sophomore years homecoming near my bed, and I just gave her the weirdest look. “Okay so I’ll call you when I have officially broken my feet.” We both laughed and Hannah said, “I’m serious, he will want you even more when he sees you.” She smirked, and I did what she said. I grabbed what she threw near, and on my bed, and went into my closet to get dressed. When I thought I looked good I walked out , and Hannah gasped. “You look absolutely amazing. I’m so jealous right now!” I looked at her as if she were crazy because she never really had a crush on Chris… Well, not that I knew of. “Did you ever have a crush on Chris?” I asked her. “Oh good lord no. I’m just jealous because you look so amazing and you’re going to get your one true love back.” She looked down at the floor, and I walked over to her to try and comfort her. I put my arm around her, and said,”You know that Ricky Horror from high school is in Motionless In White. I could talk to Chris and ask if Ricky would be cool with going on a date with you.” I rubbed her back as she looked at me with a smile across her face. “Would you really do that for me Heather?” “Of course I would, you’re my best friend, I would do anything for you because I love you.” She hugged me and said thank you. We both walked downstairs. I grabbed my keys, said goodbye to Hannah, and drove off to Chris’s place.

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