CH. 4 Death March

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I arrived at chris’s house and walked up to his door. I was a bit hesitant to knock on the door, but I got the courage to do it. A few seconds passed before he opened the door, but he opened it. “You look lovely.” He said with no expression on his face. He invited me into his house and just made me sit down on the couch with him. “We need to talk about stuff, but first… Do you want something to drink?” this time there was a slight expression on his face, but I couldn’t tell what it was. “Do you have any brandy?” He shook his head yes and went to the bar in the kitchen.

I got up from the couch and looked around in his living room. He had all kinds of weird stuff. there was skulls, and weird candlesticks. It was a goth person’s dream and he was clearly living it. He came back with my Brandy and his Bourbon. “So tell me… Why did you want to go out with me in high school?” I had to think about it for a second, but when I came up with the answer it was easy. “I went out with you in high school because there was just something about you that attracted me to you. To this day I have no idea what it is. I mean was.” He looked at me as if he was confused, then he moved towards me.

He was inches away from my face, and I wasn’t moving back. He leaned in closer to me. The next thing I knew we were on the couch kissing. He was as rough as I remembered. He teased me, pulled my hair, and ripped my clothes off without having a care in the world. It was like our first time all over again, except this time it meant something. He kissed me passionately as I ripped off his shirt. “You’re just as crazy as you were in high school.” I bit the bottom of his lip causing him to say that. “You could say I’ve gotten better since then I guess.” He stopped for a moment, and said, “What are we doing… We’ve seen each other for what like 3 days, and we’re already about to have sex…” I looked at him and my eyes widened.

“I guess that was a bad move on both of our parts. Look, Hannah put this crazy idea in my head that you and I were going to… you know, and then fall madly in love again…” I sat up and looked at the ground. Chris put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head. “I never stopped loving you.” I looked up at him and he looked back down at me. We were both lost in each other’s eyes for a long time until it was like junior year all over again.




I woke up next to Chris and he was dead asleep, then I went to get my phone to check what time it was. “Fuck me, it’s 2:00.” I quickly got dressed and left Chris a note. I was jumping out the door trying to get my other shoe on just as I got a call from Barb. “Oh my gosh what the hell could she possibly want?” I answered the phone “Hi mom.” To my surprise it wasn’t her, but it was Tom. “Where the fuck are you. Your mother has been worried about you. When and how the hell did you leave?” “Funny you should ask that. I’ve been gone for about four days…” I waited for an answer, but there wasn’t one. “I knew neither of you would notice I was gone. You never gave a fuck about me.” I hung up the phone and got into my car to drive back to Hannah’s house.

A few minutes passed and I was back ‘home’. I tried to walk in quietly without waking Hannah, but just as I took my shoes off the lights turned on and I saw an extremely pissed off Hannah. “H-hi?” I stuttered. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” I struggled looking for the words I was looking for so I just said, “It’s approximately 2:08 in the morning?” I was worried as to what she was going to say next. “No it’s actually time for you to tell me what happened with Chris!” Her face lit up like a fangirl seeing her favorite band for the first time. She practically dragged me into the kitchen and made me a cup of coffee. “So tell me every single detail.” “Well, first it was awkward, then we had a drink, then we were making out, then we tore each other’s clothes off, and we stopped to talk about what we were doing for a bit, and last but not least, we did the thing.” “You mean the sexy thing?” “Oh I mean the very sexy thing.” I took a sip from my coffee and waited for her to respond, but she didn’t she just had an insanely big grin on her face.

“Hello? are you in there?” I waved a hand in front of her face, and she flinched away. “Yeah I’m here, I’m just so happy you guys are getting back together.” She hugged me and yawned. I laughed and asked her if she wanted to sleep. She shook her head slightly saying yes so I helped her up her stairs and got her in her bed, then I went back to my room and threw on sweatpants and one of Chris’s t-shirts from high school, and tried to fall asleep, but I heard my phone go off. “Not again with your bullshit…” I answered the phone. “What the fuck do you want Tom!” “Heather now is not the time… Your mother just got into a car accident looking for you, and she is in the hospital…”

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