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Ala, Reya, and Jo were all getting worried. It's been hours and no sign of Blue.

"Did she get lost?" Reya pondered, looking at the other girl's worried faces.

Jo shook her head. "I don't think so, this is our go-to spot for hanging out.."

Suddenly, Ala's phone rang.

The caller ID read Blue's mom.

Suspicion raised between the group. They all knew that Blue's mom always works and never has time to make phone calls.

"Don't just stand there! Answer it, ya goof!" Reya flicked her head.

"Ow! Okay!"

"Hi, Mrs. Lynn! How ar-" Ala greatest sweetly before getting interrupted by the frantic mom on the other end.

"Alana! Thank god! Leah got into.. An accident and she's in surgery right now." It was known that Blue's mom called everyone by the name they were given at birth.

They all cringed at the mom's use of Blue's real name.

"What?! Is she okay?!" They all said at the same time, giggling when they realized.

"Yes, she just broke her arm, a couple cuts here and there, a twisted ankle, and she somehow must've gotten a concussion before hand and when she fell unconscious… it put her into a coma."

The girls all gasped and you could hear Blue's mom talking to someone on the other end.

"Okay, I'm guessing all of you are together. Unless you guys went somewhere, you're all at Reya's, right?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Okay, I'm coming to pick all of you up but I have to go straight back to work after. Be ready in 5 minutes. I'd bring blankets with you guys, it's pretty cold here." You can hear her unlocking her car.

"Yes ma'am!"

After the call ended they all grabbed blankets and snacks to bring. "I guess we're having our sleep over at the hospital.." Reya tried to look up to the bright side but at the moment, there wasn't one.

For now their quartet was a trio.

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