The Beginning

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Alex spend half the day in her cabin but then decides to join the others at the camp fire. As Alex joins in she then feels the nervous tension again. Alex tries sitting with the others to ignore the feeling so her time and experience won't be interrupted.
Around the camp fire the fellow campers begin telling stories of witch craft and their demonic experiences. Alex feels uncomfortable with the stories so she decides to head back to camp only to walk in on her friend Crystal using the ouija board. Alex yells to her friend "Crystal, what in the world are you doing?!" Crystal then replies "Alex stop being such a drag, come on, join me.", Alex decides to give the "toy" a chance, actually being able to have her first experience at camp. Alex and her friend Crystal spend 2 hours on the ouija board only to then feel tired. They both decide to call it a night and go to sleep.
The next morning come and Alex heads out for breakfast. During the breakfast period Alex notices something not enjoyable. Alex notices a black figure walking through the woods. Alex follows the black figure only to no longer be able to see it. She decides to head back to camp but then hears her name called behind her. Alex is frightened and runs towards the camp sprinting so fast she trips and falls bruising her ankle. Alex is able to make it back to camp but with a painful sensation in her right ankle. Crystal sees Alex struggling to walk on her ankle so she helps Alex get around the cabin to lay down and sleep.
The next morning Alex wakes up with a swollen painful ankle, so painful it hurts to move it one inch side to side. She spends the whole 2 weeks trying her best to heal. As more than 3 weeks pass Alex is able to walk normally but with a slight little pinch.

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