The War

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The Entity that has invaded Alex begins yelling, screaming with rage and anger. Pastor Jessie begins taking advantage of the entity's weakness, shouting "I DEMAND YOU LEAVE THIS BODY!! The demon begins screaming once again having Pastor Jessie believe praying is not working. Jessie begins praying again having the entity shake even more.
Though Pastor Jessie has never performed an exorcism he yells "DEMON, I CONDEMN YOU.. BACK TO HELL!! Once those very words were said Alex's body drops to the floor. Jessie runs to Alex hoping to have won this battle. Miraculously Alex wakes up confused, trying to figure out what has happened. She asks Jessie "What happened?" Pastor Jessie did not want to frighten her even more so he replies with just "we won". Alex with a confused face then gets up but is not very strong enough to walk. She struggles to keep her balance so Pastor Jessie helps her to her feet taking her to his home.
Jessie calls the ambulance quickly for Alex. As soon as the ambulance show up Jessie waist no time in saying he is going with her to the hospital. The ambulance quickly transport Alex to the local hospital even confused as they see that Alex has good vitals and good health. Not knowing what happened the paramedics and Alex stayed confused the whole ride.

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