The Control

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Alex wakes up, not remembering one thing so she thinks as if it's just a normal day but... she was wrong. The old lady from next door appears out of nowhere on Alex's front porch. She locks the door causing the lady to scream with anger and rage. The door breaks open and all Alex could do was run up to the stairs, the closet pathway to her. She makes it to her room, locks the door but doesn't notice the black figure.
Alex was frozen not one muscle twitched through her body. Ann bursts into the room but stops in her tracks then flies against the wall causing her body to break. Alex screams finally being able to move. Alex runs towards the window but forgets that the window is boarded up because of a storm. Alex is caught in her room nowhere left to go so she closes her eyes tightly then starts crying. The black figure then turns its focus to Alex whispering mumbled words. They both make eye contact then out of nowhere Alex's eyes turn pitch black. She has been possessed by the demonic entity.
The demon in her body begins taking over her body covering it with nothing but darkness. Alex is still in her body trying her best to fight back against the entity to make her way to the church. After minutes of fighting Alex's body stands completely still, not one muscle tensed. The body begins turning and walks slowly towards the door. After minutes of fighting Alex is still alive, she's still there but not completely.
A Pastor next door by the name of Pastor Jessie then sees Alex's body acting completely out of place so he decides to go check on her. As Pastor Jessie walks up to Alex he sees nothing but her black demonic eyes. Pastor Jessie runs quickly to his house, locks the door grabs his cross and bible then begins praying. Her body walks towards the door shaking. As the demon walks towards the house it begins hearing the prayers coming from Pastor Jessie.

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