Its okay.

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Alec's POV:
I was coming back from my day at the institute when i opened the door to our loft, and I heard soft, quiet sobs. "Magnus?" I called out softly. The sobbing stopped. I walked to our bedroom and he was on our bed, wearing his black silk robe. He only wears that when he's feeling down. I've noticed. Seeing him like that, broke my heart. My love is crying, such broken pain and I have to witness. I just want to take away his worries and I want to see him smile.
"Magnus what's wrong baby?" I said sitting close to him and pulling him into my lap. I kissed his neck and held him. "Y-you cheated on me." He said sobbing. My eyes widened. I turned his around and now his legs were on either side of my waist and I firmly gripped him, my hands at his back so I could cradle him. "Magnus look at me." I said when he was looking off to the side.
"Magnus I never cheated on you." I said but he shook his head. "Yes you did." He said weakly, and he sounded like he really believed it. "Baby, you know I wouldn't do that to you." I said as my voice broke. I was in the verge of tears.

What if he broke up with me?

"Alec I have a picture." The first tear fell when he called me Alec. The tear dropped into his bare leg, making him look at it. But instead of comforting me like he usually does, he got up and wiped it off of him. I felt more drop down my face at that.

He showed me a picture. It was of me kissing..jace?

"Magnus that's not real. It's fake." I said and I was telling the truth. I remember every single picture that me and Magnus took together. "Magnus this is from Tokyo remember? The photo booth.." I trailed off and scooted a bit closer to him. I made sure not to touch him even though my body was aching to do so. "Magnus do you not remember when we took this?" I asked, honestly a bit hurt but I shrug it off.

"No. Alec I have to break up with you." He said standing up as I stood up with him. "Magnus no. No who gave you this?" I asked exasperated. "Camille." He said innocently. I face-palmed and shook my head. "Magnus she's just trying to get into your head. She knows your still insecure about Jace and I But Magnus I don't have feelings for him anymore I promise. I would tell you if I did." I said trying to sound firm but it came out as a broken whisper. I couldn't lose him. I don't think he understood that.

"N-no you must." He said. "Magnus do you want to break up?" I asked terrified of his answer. "No." He said and I let out a sigh of relief. "Well then why are you pushing this? You know this isn't real Magnus. I love you more than this world itself. I love you so much that it hurts when I'm not around you  and it feels like I'm floating on air when I am around you. And I love you so much that I wouldn't ever, ever, ever cheat on you."

Magnus crashed into my arms. "I'm so sorry Alexander I love you too." He said sobbing. I stroked his hair and said "Magnus baby what are you crying." I said softly. "I just don't wanna get hurt." He said and I instantly understood. I picked him up bridal style and walked his to the living room and placed him on the sofa. I kissed his forehead and sat down beside him. Pulling him on my lap. "Alexander what was that for?" He have a weak chuckle. "Let's order food and talk." I said and picked up the phone so I could dial Taki's.

We had a very long talk that night. Magnus told me every little detail about how he was feeling and I hugged him and told him it was okay. That his feeling were valid no matter how small they are. That he could always come to me and talk. He kissed me and muttered "thank you." "It Okay Baby. Let's sleep." I said and I remember hugging his tight that night.

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