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Alec's POV:
I just rung the bell to Magnus's apartment and I was expecting his normal 'Who dares to disturb the high warlock of Brooklyn?' Voice but instead the buzzer just rung and the door opened. Strange.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to see a makeup free Magnus. His facial expressions looked shocked but I couldn't pay too much attention to that. I was too stricken by his beautiful. He looked simply gorgeous.
His slanted eyes were clean of eyeliner and eyeshadow, and even though I loved him with his makeup on, he looked so relaxed and happy with his floppy hair and pale pink lips. They were round and plump and his smooth creamy tanned skin was free of foundation and it looked fresh and radiant. He looked so innocent instead of his usual intimidating sexy look with his black smoky eye look and sprinkles of glitter.

He shut the door quickly and it snapped me out of my trance. I banged on the door, with the image of his hurt face as he slammed it. "Magnus" I said loudly. "Magnus open up!" I said worriedly.  I heard a whisper "no." He said, just loud enough so I could hear. "Magnus what's wrong? Is it because your wearing no makeup?" I asked very softly, remembering the shocked look on his face when I saw him. "Maybe.." He said sceptically. "Magnus" I chuckled. "Open up. I want to tell you something." I said lightly. Slowly I heard a creek of a door, and I saw Magnus with an adorable look on his face, peeping out the door.

"Magnus." I said teasingly. "Open up properly." I said and he sighed and rolled his eyes. He opened the door so I could see his full body view. He was wearing a beautiful relaxed blue silk dressing gown, that brought out the rich brown colour in his eyes. "Alexander I wasn't expecting you. I would've dressed up." He said nervously. I hugged him tightly and whispered"your beautiful. Oh you look so amazing without makeup. Your features look so much sharper and you look so innocent. I love you Magnus. How could you be scared of showing me your real self?" I said all that, gazing into his eyes and pressing short kisses into his forehead. "I love you too Alexander. Thank you." He said sheepishly. I felt myself inwardly sigh with happiness hearing him say my name.

"Magnus can I ask you something?" I asked quietly as we walked down to the sofa. Magnus snapped his fingers to close the door as blue sparkles emerged out of his hands, like silk that a spider was spinning. "Anything Alexander." He said with a dazed smile on his lips. He was sitting too far away so I pulled him closer, and onto my lap. I encircled my arms around him, with one hand supporting his spine. "Can I see your cat eyes?" I saw his eyes drop to the floor "I'm not sure Alexander l. What if you don't like them?" He said hesitatingly. "I've already seen them once Magnus. I love them." I chuckled. "O-okay." He said quietly. Soon the golden orbs appeared and I lost my breath. "Oh Magnus. Without makeup and your glamour you look so beautiful. Your stunning." I said lovingly while softly caressing his cheek. He chuckled. "Thank you baby. And I'm sorry for not wanting to show you my face without makeup. It's just that so many lovers told me I looked disgusting without all my sparkle." He said sadly and I looked shocked. "What? How dare they!" I said loudly. "Your gorgeous.." I said trailing off to kiss him. It started off soft and sweet but it soon became intense and passionate. Oh how I love this man. "Thanks Alexander.. But most people don't think so." He stated sadly. "No! Some people. Some very stupid people. Anyway, does it matter what they think, when I think your the most beautiful person in the world?" I asked tenderly. "No it doesn't." He said after a few seconds of thinking. And I smiled at that and replied "exactly. I'll always love you Magnus bane. No matter how you look."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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