My First Love

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In only a week, Denki Kaminari had managed to carve himself into the deepest corners of Hitoshi's mind. His warm appearance melted his insides every time he laid down. It was all he ever though about, and all he ever could think about. His voice created an atmosphere around the indigo-haired boy's brain. The visual of his lips made him feel small shocks of static all throughout his body. The way he smelled— a generic deodorant for teenage boys; it became his favorite scent.
He dreamed of kissing him, holding his waist close to his as a cool breeze blew through their hair. He wanted to stroke his cheeks and hold him forever. Hitoshi was now convinced that there was no living being more beautiful than Kaminari. He began looking forward to going to sleep, even though he barely ever got any. Three hours a day were enough for him. Every time he felt tired, he didn't feel the need to worry anymore. All it meant was he'd be dreaming of the boy he'd fallen in love with at first sight.
The thing he never knew he needed had appeared in front of him all-of-a-suddenly. He never really knew just how starved he was until Denki touched his arm. The breath he'd been holding for the longest time was finally making its way out of him slowly. The blond's name rolled perfectly off his tongue whenever he whispered it in the dark. He craved him.
Golden rays of newborn sunlight peeled through his blinds. He tugged his blankets closer to his body, knowing his alarm was about to go off. He didn't want to go to school. He wanted sleep, having only gotten seven hours total from the whole week. He could hear his parents getting up, their footsteps sounding quietly from the master bedroom. Closets and doors were being opened as the early morning light washed away the night's visions. Like the foamy waves of the ocean clearing carvings in the sand.
He waited impatiently for the obnoxious sound to ring from his phone. However, after waiting half an hour, he began to get worried. He checked the time and smiled. It was Saturday.
The smell of freshly made breakfast began to penetrate the walls. Light humming could be heard from the kitchen of the apartment. The place was coming alive as his neighbors too, began to wake up.
An energetic guy pounding on his door caused him to open his eyes in exasperation. Without an invitation, a small girl with long, pale-blue hair. She held a small, black kitten in her arms, and smiled widely at Hitoshi.
"Good morning!" She exclaimed.
Hitoshi rubbed his eyes tiredly. He sat up and stretched himself, letting out a loud yawn. The girl tumbled over to his bed, dangling the cat from her arms. She pressed the cat to his face, almost dropping it onto his lap. He caught it with his hands and began stroking its chin.
"Sandwich came to say hello to you, sleepyhead!"
Hitoshi smiled, patting his sister's head a few times before getting up. He arched his back, causing it to crack slightly, and rubbed his tired eyes. He walked past the young girl, exiting the room alongside the cat. He could smell the tasty aroma of pancakes and bacon.
A blond man with long hair sat at the small table, reading a newspaper as he drunk coffee from a mug. By the stove, another man with ebony, shoulder-length hair stood as he made breakfast.
The young girl ran past Hitoshi, straight towards the black-haired man. She embraced his legs rapidly and giggled, causing the older man to look down and smile at her. His father never acted like that around anyone other than Hitoshi's sister. He loved her to death and beyond.
"Good morning, Hitoshi," the blond man said.
Hitoshi mumbled back his good morning and sat next to the other at the table.
Moments later, his other father placed plates covered in food in front of them. He helped his daughter up onto the chair before sitting down himself.
"These are so good, daddy!" Hitoshi's sister chirped as she savored the food.
The man smiled contently as he ate in silence.
"So... Hitoshi... any plans this weekend?" The blond asked.
Hitoshi shook his head.
"I might go to the park later, if I feel like it," Hitoshi answered.
"Can I go too?" The girl asked excitedly.
"I don't know, can you?" Hitoshi replied smugly.
She turned to her blond father, looking up at him with a hopeful expression.
"Can I go with him?"
The dark haired man huffed.
"It's dangerous out there, plus, Hitoshi tends to wander off..." he mumbled.
Hitoshi rolled his eyes, scoffing a little. He knew his father cared about him very much, though he wished he'd show it more often. He was a very strict parental figure. With all except for his sister, Eri.
"Pretty please!" Eri begged.
His parents looked at each other, as though the pair could communicate telepathically. Hitoshi's eyes fixated on their silent conversation, trying hard to decipher what could possibly be going through their heads. Ever since he met them, he'd always felt very detached and alienated from his parents. They were tough to read, and even harder to relate to.
Hitoshi's brain couldn't ever keep up with the astonishing cognitive abilities of his two dads. Nor could he ever hope to. It was one of the many factors that contributed to his permanent state of closeted loneliness. Not being able to connect with his family at all. Hell, they weren't even his real family. Sure, he'd grown up around them and was showered with love ever since. Yet somehow, he still found it difficult to call them his. Whenever he called any of the two by "dad", it felt as though the word was an intruder in his mouth. It didn't belong there, just like him.
He'd come to the conclusion that he was a miscellaneous puzzle piece living inside a box correspondent to another game where he didn't belong. The form and the shape of him was to abnormal to really become a part of anything bigger.
He envied his sister. So innocent and naïve. How could a young girl that had been treated so badly live without a care in the world? In her eyes, he saw nothing but love and tenderness towards her family. She was only person who made Hitoshi feel somewhat safe. She was the closest she'd ever have to a real family.
"Fine. You can go."
Eri's eyes lit up like a night sky in the desert. She smiled in pure bliss, turning to Hitoshi and pulling on his sleeve excitedly. She expressed her happiness by chanting joyfully, running to her bedroom to change into day clothes.
"Bring her back before lunch. We're going out to eat," his dark-haired father said.
"We?" Hitoshi asked with a scowl on his face.
The other man cleared his throat. A hand was placed atop Hitoshi's forearm, and a sympathetic look came his way.
"Yes, Hitoshi. All of us. You're barely ever home, and your father and I have been talking....." the blond man paused. "We feel like we need to be together more. As a family."
Hitoshi raised his eyebrow. He pulled his arm away and stood up, turning his back to his parents.
"Fine, give it a try," he mumbled.


It was a surprisingly decent day. Puddles adorned the pavement as sequence lights would decorate a Christmas tree. He could feel his sister jumping up and down in excitement, her small hand gripping his tightly. They crossed the streets, waiting for the next bus that would take them somewhere close to the park.
She didn't stop babbling on about random things the whole way through. Her aura was bright and lively, contagious even. It almost made him smile.
The moment they stepped off the bus, Eri's eyes widened even more at the sight of the park. It was large and full of greenery, which, thanks to the rain, smelled of humidity and nature. The sound of young laughter came from inside the perimeter, and through the gate lay a whole new world for the young girl.
Hitoshi walked her to the playground, sitting himself at a nearby bench to watch her.
"Go on, have fun, I'll be here when you need me," he said. Eri gave him a small nod before trotting towards the slides.
Hitoshi pulled his earphones out of his pocket, plugging them into his phone and placing them in his ears. He scrolled through his wide library of music, trying to find an album or song that fit his mood.
As the drums began to pound into his earlobes, he began to philosophize upon his current life situation. One thing led to another, and for some odd reason, he remembered the pretty, doe-eyed blond who had caught his attention. Whatever he felt around Kaminari— it wasn't normal. His chest would ache in all the right ways. He wanted to hold his hand, yet couldn't learn to deal with these feelings.
No matter where he went or who he met, the world just didn't have a place for him. As much as he felt for the blond, he knew his place wasn't there either. He didn't know how to act.
He was alone, unlike Eri, who'd managed to make a handful of friends on the playground. Adorable little children, playing together; oblivious of the horrors of the world. They knew absolutely nothing about real life— and that was ok. In fact, Hitoshi considered it ideal. It's much better living ignorant and happy than dwelling on 'what if's and fear.
Hitoshi pulled out one of his earphones, turning his head around over his shoulder.
There he was.
A beautiful angel, lovely and heavenly, stood behind him with a radiant smile as bright as the whole spectrum of light. The fire to his eternal cold. The sweet icing on his plain piece of baked bread. The most deadly weapon he'd ever seen— one that pierced his heart every time they locked eyes.
Hitoshi's jaw almost dropped. But he didn't dudare move an inch. He was enchanted under a powerful spell he could never hope to escape. He never would've guessed that it would only take one glance to send him into overdrive. Kaminari had a power. He could make Hitoshi's day a million times better with just one word, though he could also crush him down to rock bottom in the same way.
Kaminari leaked against the bench, towering over Hitoshi. The indigo-haired boy looked up in confusion and astonishment at the pretty eyes that smiled at him.
"What are you doing here all alone?" Kaminari asked cheerfully.
"I could ask you the same thing," Hitoshi replied.
Kaminari's cheeks went pink. He rubbed the side of his face and smiled shamefully. That's when Hitoshi noticed the slight puffiness to his eyes, and how his thin nose was slightly red.
"Ah— well..... just came here to clear my head from the week's mumbo-jumbo," Kaminari replied.
But behind that lousy justification, Hitoshi knew there was something else bothering him. He just couldn't crack through the seemingly thin ice. That's when he began to grow angry at Kaminari. It's what bothered him so much about people. Especially his parents. He could never really tell anyone's true intentions.
"Okay then," Hitoshi replied.
Kaminari nodded.
"Mind if I sit next to you?" The blond asked, seemingly to avoid awkward silence.
Hitoshi shrugged. He hoped Kaminari would take it as an invitation. And thankfully, he did. Kaminari sat on the bench, only centimeters away from him. Kaminari hummed, swaying back and forth in a playful way.
He glanced at Hitoshi, only to get lost in the other's intense stare. He felt intimidated, yet intrigued at the same time.
Kaminari pulled Hitoshi's right earphone, placing it inside his own ear.
"Whatcha listening to? Ooh! I have a friend who likes this band!" Kaminari said.
Hitoshi's face was fully heated at how close he was to the other. Why did it have to be like this?
How did that ditzy blond become the owner of his heart so quickly?

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