A Taste of Heaven

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It was dark. The vast obsidian sky towered above him, mocking his existence with its lack of glimmer. No lights could be seen. It seemed as though the void had swallowed down every bit of light, leaving an empty nothingness behind. A residue of what once used to be brilliant and mystical. That was no more.
He'd become a walking paradox, a contradiction with no sense of self. The trees guarded his back like a unit of Roman soldiers, waiting to attack. With every passing day, the climate became more humid. The dewy mist clung to his face. Muddy water seeped through his shoes.
His trajectory circled the lake. Not a trace of wildlife in sight. The frogs were silent, devoid of their chirps. The ducks hid under the blankets of nature. It appeared as though everything were hiding from Hitoshi. His presence was no more than a burden.
As he stared emptily from the coast of the lake, he began to make out two figures, faintly glowing, all the way on the other edge of the lake. At first, he thought his eyes were deceiving him. Who in their right mind would come to the park at midnight? More so, who ever dared to dance without music under such a boring sky?
And then, it sunk in.
It wasn't real. It was a hallucination. The ghosts of the past had come back, evidently. For they did not plan on leaving him alone just yet. Life wanted to spend a little more time reminding him how terribly tragic his life had become.


The sun had just begun to set behind the far ocean of trees. His gut filled with a churning anxiety as he nervously checked his phone. The time read seven in the afternoon. Though his face depicted nothing but stillness and slight irritation, his brain was running laps.
A small ding caused him to flinch, sending a shock of erotic nerves through his body. He checked the source of the sound, and immediately felt as though he were going to faint.
A short text message was enough to make him feel valid and special. Who would've thought. But he smiled anyways, and began walking in the direction of the lake. He looked around, like a lost puppy left in the rain. Then he noticed him.
The blond boy— waving at him from afar with a wide smile across his face. He called out Hitoshi's name— and damn, did it excite him. The way it smoothly rolled out from the blond's mouth. It was electrifying.
When did you decide that you liked my first name?
He walked up to the other, saluting him with an awkward hum and a pat on the back. How had Hitoshi gotten such an amazing boy to accept yet another date offer?
After an awkward moment, they both stared away from each other, as to take a break from the strange tension between them.
Kaminari chuckled softly, rubbing his arm as his face heated up.
".... Hey...." he murmured softly.
A strand of honey-colored hair fell over his left eye. Hitoshi lightly brushed it away from the other's face, not being able to resist his urges to touch the other.
Hitoshi caught himself deep in a stare-off with the other. Both of them turned away in embarrassment, faces flushing red.
"Uh... s-shall we go sit?" Kaminari chuckled uncomfortably.
"Y-Yeah, let's."
The pair began to walk around the edge of the lake, following the narrow, concrete trail. Hitoshi was frozen in shock, unable to say more than vague answers. The other tried lengthening the conversation, but he too could feel something deep inside of him that kept him from functioning. He didn't like it one bit.
Truth be told, he wasn't happy. He was terrified. Whatever was happening between him and Hitoshi was far from his control. But as frightening as it was, he felt that the constant adrenaline rushing through him was enough to distract him from other things.
Hitoshi gulped, staring down at the other's dangling hand. Kaminari skipped happily through the grass, humming a small tune. At some point, Hitoshi just reached out and caught the other's limb with his. His fingers intertwined with the blond's, as the other slowed down to look back.
His pupils became small, and the increase of awkwardness caused his voice to break in a comedic manner.
"I— uh— wonderful weather we're having!" Kaminari squeaked.
Hitoshi let out a sigh and looked up. The sky stared back at him, infested with billions of tiny white dots. They sparkled like the gleam in the other's eyes— full of life and wonder. He'd never taken the time to stop and stare at the heavens. Until now.
He could feel the universe closing in on them, leaving out everyone and anything else until it was just the both of them standing alone. Had the sky always been this beautiful? Or did it suddenly become that way after he met the blond?
"Wow..." Hitoshi said under his breath. He was absolutely mesmerized.
"Wow indeed..."
He heard the other giggle. Kaminari lifted up his free arm, pointing at the sky.
"Look there, do you see that star cluster?" He said with excitement.
Hitoshi let out a dry laugh.
"Which one out of literally all of them?"
"That one! See, if you put an imaginary line through those stars, they form a weird triangle. That constellation is called Capricornus," he explained.
Hitoshi's heart did an odd flip.
"Damn.... I didn't think you'd be an astronomy kind of guy. What gives?" Hitoshi reckoned.
Kaminari giggled in a flattering manner.
"I'm not! Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a nerd or anything. I just know that because my father and I used to come here to observe the sky around this time of year..." Kaminari laughed.
He looked away from the sky, and down below and his feet. Hitoshi could see the remorseful smile across his face, and the way his big eyes stared in nostalgia at the ground.
"And you don't anymore?" Hitoshi questioned.
"Oh, no. Not really," Kaminari chuckled sadly.
"Oh... I see—"
"—But it's okay! That's what makes childhood memories so special anyways. If you don't have anything to miss, it means you aren't really living correctly. Missing things is natural. It's the most human thing a person could do," Kaminari laughed unapologetically.
Hitoshi blinked a few times. He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. It hurt a bit, hearing that. Especially since he'd been trying so hard to forget.
"I-I guess so..."
Suddenly, Hitoshi could feel the weight of the other leaning against his chest. The blond's face buried deep in the crook of his neck, and his pale hands resting below his collar bones. The hand he'd once been holding was now lightly caressing his shoulder, and his own body was struggling to comprehend what was truly happening.
Hitoshi's hands trembled as he nervously rested them on the other's hips. He pulled him an inch closer to him, to the point where their legs were touching comfortably. He heard a blissful sigh coming from the younger's mouth as his honey eyes closed. A curtain of long, fluttery lashes hid away the beautiful ting, like the wings of a butterfly on a spring day.
"You know, I've never really had such a moment with someone..." Kaminari said.
Hitoshi slowly moved his hand up the shorter's torso, resting it on the center of his back. He now had more confidence in his movements. Finally, things were starting to flow.
"Never had a girlfriend? Or uh... boyfriend?" Hitoshi asked. He then realized how stupid his question sounded and flushed red.
"Haha... yeah, once. In middle school. But it was just a hobby, you know. Like those innocent, childish relationships where you give lame hugs and high fives. She didn't really like me anyways," Kaminari laughed.
He hadn't turned his head up. It was still resting on Hitoshi's upper torso, as if he were afraid. Afraid that the smallest act of separation would ruin everything. He wanted to enjoy it as much as he could before it all faded away.
"What makes this so special, then?" Hitoshi whispered to him.
"That it's you..."
Hitoshi's stomach sunk, but in a good way.
"Funny, isn't it? A few weeks ago, you told me that you didn't even want to make friends with anybody. And yet... look at us now. Seems to me like you're pretty starved for affection," Kaminari noted.
Hitoshi's eyebrows furrowed.
"Am not! That's a-hundred-percent fake news," Hitoshi replied, a bit offended.
He felt insulted because it was true.
"It's okay..." Kaminari said before a short pause. The sudden silence made him aware of how fast the shorter's heart was beating. He could hear it, going a hundred miles per hour. Too fast. Like a speeding car on a highway,about to collide with a semi. He wanted it to slow down. "... I am too," the blond whispered.
They stood still, unmoving. No words were spoken. Kaminari's grip on him seemed to grow stronger, and Hitoshi's hands slowly traveled down the blond's body in a loving manner. Kaminari felt an odd sense of warmth in his gut, every time Hitoshi's fingers moved.
"When I look up... will you kiss me?"
Hitoshi smiled. He placed his index finger under Kaminari's chin, pushing his face away from his shoulder and tilting it in his direction. Their eyes locked, completely glued to each other. The blond's lips parted slightly as they stared.
"Only one way to find out," Hitoshi whispered.
Their faces connected in a blissful manner. A soft kind of contact, filled with lust and curiosity. Kaminari's lips were soft, and unexpectedly delicate. Like a velvety truffle melting in one's mouth. Hitoshi's tongue slowly traveled between the part in Kaminari's mouth. The blond's hands wrapped themselves around Hitoshi's neck as the kiss deepened in the slightest way.
They parted, taking a small breath of air before giggling awkwardly at each other. Hitoshi wrapped his arms around the shorter and pulled him close. Kaminari nuzzled into the other's chest once more.
"Was that okay?" Hitoshi asked.
No response. Only the sound of breathing, even at first, but then agitated. A small sob escaped the younger's mouth as his hair covered his face.
Hitoshi felt a slight moisture seeping through his shirt, most possibly from the tears trickling down the younger's face.
"Denki... call me Denki," the blond said.
"... and yeah. It was perfect."

Extra info: at this point, ever since the last park encounter, Shinso and Kaminari have been hanging out more. Hope you enjoyed, sorry for the long wait. Had some personal problems I had to sort out but it's all better now I guess.

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