When You Go

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(This one is really long, strap in)
The pair walked hand-in-hand through the abundant trees. Heading back to the populated area, they spoke about life and what they loved. Denki felt like he was having his first few full conversations for the first time in his whole life. Hitoshi was actually listening to him. Not just hearing. He was paying attention to every words he said, replying with something just as relevant. Neither of them even had to spend time thinking of something smart to say. It all flowed, the the satin on a soft dress; like the water from the creek.
The blond's hand felt so soft against Hitoshi's palm. It was a sweet feeling— like ingesting a large amount of chocolate truffles all at once. It was all going by so quickly, yet the two had never felt something so delicately and tediously in their whole lives. Their energies combines were strong— stronger than Earth's gravitational pull, stronger than the penetrating rays of sun.
"So... what now?" Denki asked.
Hitoshi looked around. The sky was dark— black almost, with billions of white dots adorning it. It was much more crowded than the one in the cit y. Never in his life had he imagined that he'd been seeing such a beautiful masterpiece.
"Well, it's good late to go back home—"
"No. I don't wanna," Denki interrupted.
"Okay... how about we find a motel or something?" Hitoshi suggested. He shuffled around his pockets for his wallet, taking it out and inspecting it. "I've got some cash, but only for one night."
Denki pulled out his wallet, opening it with one hand when as he showed Hitoshi.
"We're good for a while," Denki giggled.
Hitoshi stared at the money, wide-eyed and in awe.
"Whoa, that's a lot, man. Who even carries around that much?" Hitoshi gawked.
Denki snorted loudly.
"Haha, yeah. My dad's the CEO of an electric company. He has a lot of extra cash," Denki answered.
"That's cool..."
Hitoshi thought about his parents. Especially his dad, Shota. He was a very serious man, and although he did let Hitoshi have certain privileges most teen's didn't, he still wasn't the generous type. They were tight on money a lot of the time, especially since being teachers didn't really pay off well. His other father, Hizashi, was the host of a radio show and sang with small-town rock bands every now and then. They weren't poor. They lived well, and Hitoshi recognized that. However, they spent most of their money spoiling Eri and trying to give her the childhood they wished Hitoshi would've had. He wasn't jealous or anything. At least, not as much as he should've been.
"Yeah. And my mom is a fashion model for a very underrated designer," Denki said, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Hitoshi smiled, becoming a bit red.
"She must be very pretty, then," Hitoshi said.
"Maybe, I dunno. I've never actually taken the time to decide weather she's good looking or not. It's kinda weird, dontcha think?" Denki answered.
"But I suppose that, to be a model, you've got to be very pretty," Denki chuckled.
Hitoshi laughed.
"Well, now I know where you got that from..."
Denki stopped. He blushed, letting go of Hitoshi's hand and giggling awkwardly.
"Oh, you. Always patronizing me," He laughed, waving his hand around. "A-anyway!"
He walked back to Hitoshi's side, looping his arm around the other's as they wandered around, looking for a place to stay.
"What are your parents like?" Denki asked, looking up at Hitoshi with his big, mustard eyes.
The indigo-haired boy looked to the side, cringing as he thought about who of the two to talk about without giving any hints.
"Uh... they're weirdos," Hitoshi said.
"Hah, I can't take your word on it unless you elaborate, dude," Denki laughed.
"Eh... well... my dad hosts a radio show... makes the commercials extra annoying when you're listening to music," Hitoshi answered, trying to be as vague as possible.
Denk's eyes lit up.
"Oh, really? That's totally awesome! What station?"
"You... don't wanna know..."
Denki pouted, sticking his lower lip out like a child.
"Aw, come on! Tell me!"
"Well, then, what about your mom?"
Hitoshi fell silent. He gulped, causing his Adam's Apple to stick out. He didn't know how to respond to that question. What if Denki thought he was weird for having two dads?
"Um... I don't have a mom..." Hitoshi replied quietly.
Denki froze. Hitoshi could see a wave of regret washing his smile away.
"I'm sorry for asking..." he said.
Hitoshi leaned his head on top of the blond's, nuzzling his lips against the soft, sweaty locks.
"It's okay," he whispered.
Denki's face heated up. He turned around a few degrees, now facing Hitoshi. He placed his small hand over the other's chest, feeling a light pumping under his palm. Warmth radiated from the organ. He smiled, looking at it. He imagined seeing a faint light coming from within the other boy, glowing beautiful hues of orange and red. He was right. Everything in this place seemed to have so much life.
Hitoshi grabbed the younger's face, placing his hands on both sides of his head, stroking his cheekbones with his thumbs. He tilted the younger's head and ducked down a bit, meeting Denki's lips with his own.
Denki giggled between kisses, having to take breaths in between. Hitoshi pulled away and began to peck the shorter's neck and collarbones sweetly.
"H-hey! S-stop! That tickles!" Denki laughed, pushing the other lightly.
Hitoshi pulled back.
"Oh my... so you're ticklish?" Hitoshi said smugly.
"N-no! Besides, it doesn't matter! We should be looking for a place to rest!" Denki stated, walking away from Hitoshi. He grabbed his pinky, leading him forward. He yawned. "I'm getting kinda sleepy, actually!"
"Don't you change the subject..."
"Fine, but I'm not letting this go," Hitoshi chuckled.
They walked another block or so before a small, yet cozy-looking motel came into view. Denki excitedly pulled the taller boy towards he entrance. Some lights were still on, indicating that it was still open.
"Look, Toshi, they have a hot spring! It might still be open!"
Denki ran, leaving Hitoshi behind to process the younger's excessive amounts of leftover energy. He was a rocket, young and complex. Meanwhile Hitoshi was nothing more than a tired old man in the body of a sixteen-year-old.
The blond shoved the glass doors open, startling the man behind the counter. He stared in confusion at the two sweaty teens in front of him. Crossing his arms, he finally spoke.
"You got empty rooms?" Denki asked loudly.
The man sighed.
"Yes. We do. What are you kids doing here though?" He questioned.
"Uh.... we... I dunno, man, just give us a room and some towels for the hot spring!" Denki groaned impatiently.
The man sighed, handing them a set of keys from the six hanging on the wall behind him. He handed the pair some towels and robes, before impatiently waiting to receive revenue. He tapped his fat, sausage-like fingers stop the desk as the two teens argued innocently over who would pay. Denki won, due to the fact that he had more money to spare.
The room was small, made out of beautiful wood and decorated in a very simplistic manner. It had a very small bathroom, TV, a small desk, and microwave. There was so much free space, contrary to both of the boy's rooms, which were crowded to the brim with things they didn't really require.
Hitoshi set his school bag on the floor, turning around to see his lover looking out the window in a mesmerized manner. Hitoshi walked up behind him, placing his hand on the younger's hips. He smiled. The small curve of his body collided perfectly with the palms of his hand. Like a fine, porcelain doll, Hitoshi held him with care, afraid to hurt him in the slightest way.
Denki could feel heat in his stomach beginning to rise. He felt strange. For some odd reason, he wanted the taller boy to touch him more; touch him in a very different manner. He gulped, trying to push away those thoughts momentarily. Although, doing "it" with Hitoshi didn't sound like a very bad proposal. What did he have to lose? After all, he'd promised himself that he wanted to do everything before his assured death.
"Toshi, wanna go in the hot spring now?" Denki asked, turning around.
Hitoshi smirked.
"Not until you kiss me," Hitoshi purred, squishing the shorter's cheeks between his hands.
Denki closed his eyes, grabbing Hitoshi's forearms as their lips met. They kissed sweetly, separating it into smaller ones so that they could breathe. Hitoshi was in heaven. The blond's lips were sweet, like strawberries on a fresh spring day. Every time he shut his eyes, he could see beautiful tones of pink, red, and yellow. It was absolutely beautiful. The shorter's soft skin against his, his oddly lewd yet sweet expression printed atop his face every time Hitoshi opened his eyes slightly to take a peek.
After a few minutes, Denki slowly slipped his tongue into the taller's mouth, shocking him a bit. Hitoshi did the same soon, moving his hands down Denki's back. He held his hips in place, pushing him against the window. Denki wrapped his arms around the taller's neck tightly, deepening the kiss with more heat and passion. He pressed his hips against Hitoshi's, causing the indigo-haired boy to grunt.
Hitoshi bit down on the blond's bottom lip, hands traveling to the small of his back.
Denki placed his hand over Hitoshi's, slowly leading it down to his bottom. Hitoshi flinched, feeling his body getting closer and closer. The initial nervousness eventually faded, turning into a small smirk. He lifted his lover up, squeezing the back of his thighs. Denki slightly turned away from the kiss, moaning quietly as saliva ran down his chin. Hitoshi caught his lips again before setting his lover atop the desk. Denki began to slide off Hitoshi's blazer, undoing his own shirt at the same time.
At that moment, the sinking realization whacked Hitoshi straight across the face. He felt hot. Extremely hot. All his reason had seemed to vanish, replaced by hormones and neediness. But at that moment he knew he couldn't do this.
He pulled away, wiping his mouth with a hint of anger. Denki stared up at him, wondering what he'd done wrong as Hitoshi began to pace around the room. The taller of the two ran a hand through his hair, sighing loudly.
"What the fuck," he whispered to himself with a hint of chuckle. Denki heard it.
"W-what? Did I do something?" Denki asked, voice shaking.
"This is fucking crazy," Hitoshi laughed.
Denki's eyes widened, gut dropping with nerves.
"What is?" He asked desperately.
Hitoshi looked at him straight, laughing.
"You are! You're absolutely insane! We've only known each other for like, a month and a half! We're not even anything! Neither of us are ready for this!" Hitoshi said, followed by a sarcastic chuckle.
Denki was terrible at reading people, but he knew that Hitoshi was freaking out.
"Does it matter? You said you loved me!" Denki replied.
"I do! I really do but.... this is all so weird! I'm stuck with you— which I absolutely love— in a town I've never even heard of! And we were about to— I've never even— what the heck is happening?"
Denki looked at the floor nervously.
"I'm sorry... I just really wanted to have my first time with you..." Denki mumbled.
Hitoshi flinched. He walked close to his lover and stroked his cheek.
"And you will... but... not now. Neither of us are good mentally at the moment. But I promise that some time in the future we will," Hitoshi said softly.
Denki closed his eyes.
"But I don't have time," he whispered.
Denki shook his head. He smiled up at Hitoshi, forcing it as best as he possibly could.
"Okay. Let's go bathe then," he said.
Every single day I'm getting closer and closer to finding out the truth about you. I just can't seem to look past your pretty little eyes, Hitoshi thought.

The Night We Met  (KamiShin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz