Aye, girlfriend

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"REMIND me why I dated you?" Y/N whines as she drop herself on the floor sitting, while staring at the lump of clothes across her.

Yoongi shot her an amused smirk from the door frame he was leaning at. "Says the one who cried her eyes out begging Jin not to meddle with her, what do you call that? Love life."

She tried to suppress the smile spreading across her lips and turned her back on him. Yoongi made his way across the room to sit on Y/N's bed, gently pulling her so she can lean her back against his knees as she sat on the floor.

Groaning, she threw her head back on Yoongi's lap so she could take a better view of him.

"The pressure of being Yoongi's girlfriend." Y/N whispered as Yoongi watched his girlfriend stare back at him.

"Just wear anything. You look good on whatever you wear anyways." He cooed, gently stroking her hair.

"Really?" Y/N asked innocently, way too innocently that made Yoongi squint his eyes at her. "Do I also look good without anything on?"

Yoongi deadpanned at her that made her laugh. Y/N lightly taps her boyfriend's hand before sitting properly and dug through the piles of her clothes.

"I have nothing to wear."

"Yeaaa.." Yoongi trailed the 'a' as his eyes roamed piles and piles of clothes across them. "Baby girl, stop stressing yourself out and just wear that cute, just above the knee, white dress that you never wore."

With that being said, Y/N gawked at Yoongi as if he's the smartest person alive before throwing herself at him, crushing him in a hug.

"Genius!" Y/N squealed, "Now let's find that dress!" Yoongi grunts before lazily draping his left arm around her.


"Thank you but you really didn't have to." Y/N whispered, unbuckling her seatbelt as they arrive at their destination.

"It's the only thing I can do." Yoongi muttered, smiling apologetically at her.

"Yoongi.." She whined, shifting in her seat, "You know I understand, I really do. As much as I love spending time with you, your health would always come first. So don't force yourself into coming to see me and rest instead. Just send me a message and it'll keep me at ease. Stop feeling guilty over not seeing me, okay?" As she spoke,  Yoongi watched her fondly, gentle smile spread his lips.

"Aye, girlfriend."


note: gonna separate this into another chapter because it will be unfairly long if not separated.

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