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YOONGI | 5:01 PM

Hey, I'm sorry for the short notice but I think I can't meet you today. I have to be at my father's office, business stuffs. I'm really sorry.

Y/N sighed internally upon reading his message before replying that it's fine and wished him a safe trip on his way. She stared around the café she was at, before ordering for a cup of coffee. Well, she have waited for him for the past 15 minutes and did not want to show that she was stood up.

Y/N and Yoongi were not in a relationship, but not just friends either, just in between - or others probably term it as mutual understanding. You both haven't told your brother yet, since it would be best to tell Jin about the two of you when you both are sure of what you really feel.

As you finished your coffee, your phone lit up and you almost dropped your cup in hurry of grabbing your phone, expecting that it might be from Yoongi but it was from your bestfriend, asking if you're busy and if you want to hang out with them. You let out another sigh before contemplating whether to go or not.

'Well, I don't wanna go home and sulk.' You thought before replying to your friend that you're on your way.


You never thought that their hangout place was a club - not the club full of horny and drunk people - but a high class type of club. Where celebrities or other non celebrities but famous enough people can enter, and no media was allowed, that is why a lot would frequent the place.

Since you and your friends were YouTubers, it was an easy pass to enter.

"Tell me what are we doing here again?" you asked as you eyed your friends who sat down on the booth you were assigned to.

"I forgot to tell you, but Jana here thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her." Ara said, placing a hand on Jana's shoulder who kept on looking around "And we are going to spy on him."

Your mouth formed an 'o' shape before sliding down next to Jana.

"But you both looks sweet together. I mean he doesn't seem like the guy who would-" You gushed out.

"I thought that too, but its just.. fishy." Jana trailed off, looking down at her hands.

"Why here though?" You asked again. Jana gave a look at Ara, urging her to tell you.

"His friends sent a photo of him last night in this club. How could he even enter here? Probably used Jana's name." Ara sighed out and it took you awhile to process her statement.

"Cliché, right?" Jana laughed halfheartedly to which you nodded.

You waited for about two more hours, having light drinks and just looking around, avoiding gazes that are sent your way.

"Okay, am I just drunk or are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Ara suddenly said, making you and Jana snap your head towards her.

"You saw him?"

"You're drunk?" You asked the same time as Jana did.

"No to both of that. But I think I can see someone cheating." Ara said furiously, staring at a group of friends across the club. You raised an eyebrow at her before turning your attention towards the said group.

There you saw Yoongi, with what you supposedly thought as his friends you never met, but you did not pay attention to those around him, but rather you had your attention on who was on his lap.

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