Min Yoongi

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"AYE, girlfriend."

Y/N stared at him for a moment, staring at his beautiful eyes before leaning in and lightly grazing her cheeks against his.

Cheek-to-cheek, the only intimate thing close to kissing that they can share, as said by Jin's book of rules.

"Go straight to the dorm, okay?"

"I can wait."

"I know but I don't want you to. Rest,  alright? And you could watch me there, live."

"Okay," Yoongi sighed out. "I'll be watching so don't go backstabbing me."

"Aye, boyfriend."


Y/N, being a well-known youtuber and being Yoongi's girlfriend, was invited to a famous talk show that night.

Y/N's fans as well as some ARMYs were worried about her accepting the invite. The said talk show was famous  because of their rude and insensitive hosts, that some seems to enjoy and that was what keeps the show going.

Nonetheless, they were all looking forward to Y/N's episode of the show.

".. we are joined tonight by YouTube's sweetest sensation, yes, yes, it's Y/N herself!"

Y/N beamed at the audience as she made her way to the chair as called by the talk show.

"A pleasant evening for a pleasant looking Y/N. Oh please settle down, be comfortable."

"Thank you, Amanda." Amanda fake gasped.

"It's a surprise you know my name. 'Cause you know, people who gets famous tends to think highly of themselves. You get what I'm saying?"

'Of course, I know who you are, texting Yoongi non-stop.' was what she wanted to say but kept it on her mind.

Gaining no response from Y/N, "Oh, come on. No need to act humble here! We all know what made you famous. All from hardwork, of course." Amanda grinned at her as the audience howled and clapped for Y/N.

"Thank you--"

"With you being Suga's girlfriend, smart move to get yourself at the top, isn't it?"

"Excuse me?" Y/N said, forcing an eyebrow not to arch.

"Oh, honey. You have to know if it's a joke or not, and I'm just joking around." Amanda giggled lightly tapping Y/N's lap. "So how's everything going on with Suga? I heard he's kinda rough."

"Everything's as smooth as your hair." Y/N joked still hot from what Amanda said a little while ago and just now as well.

"Oh. That's good." Amanda said lightly  brushing her hair back, sensing Y/N's tinge of sassiness. "So, everyone's been curious, is Suga really the not-showy-of-feelings type of boyfriend?"

Y/N laughed softly at the question before answering, "I really find it funny that Yoongi always gets that kind of impression, when in fact, he's the sweetest."

"That's so cute. Anyways, we have prepared something for you." Amanda waved, pointing at the screen on the stage, not really giving attention to what Y/N said.

"We will be watching something and don't worry you guys would also be watching it for it will be flashed on this big screen." Amanda explained to the crowd, pointing at the screen behind them. "So, what do you guys say? We would be witnessing Y/N's live reaction to Suga's fan made video!"

Howls and screams once again filled the studio, fans excited to watch the video and Y/N's reaction as well.

Y/N gave a soft smile playing at the hem of her dress. Amanda motioned the audience for silence before starting the video.

Y/N suddenly sat straight-- straighter than Amanda's hair, as the first part of the film played, the screen was pitch-black but moans of a guy blasted through the studio got Y/N surprised.

Shifting uncomfortably on her chair, Y/N watched Yoongi's fan made video that is rated for 21 years old and above. Crude photos of random guys that had their head cropped to make it look like Yoongi and some of his stage performances that was edited to make it look lewd.

After two awful minutes, Y/N asked to stop the video as the audience went awkward and silent themselves.

Amanda giggled, who seems to be enjoying herself, eyed Y/N's flustered form. "It must be weird watching those kind of stuffs about Suga with a lot of people when you can just see them for yourself alone in real, right?"

"What?" Y/N slowly let out, still surprised from the video and from what Amanda said.

"Come on, Y/N. It's impossible you haven't done that with him yet. 'Cause if not, what are you after him? Stop acting, really."

Y/N looked at the crowd, concerned that there are children watching the show as well. Surprise evidently reflected the audience.

"Amanda, you have been constantly attacking me and my boyfriend. Verbally. Who would feel comfortable watching lewd edits of her boyfriend?" Y/N said smiling sweetly at her, telling herself over and over that everything she says or do is being aired live.

"Oh come on!" Amanda snapped, her cool fading, "Just tell everyone that you are after Suga because of his fame, money and probably sex too! Hell you wouldn't even date him if he didn't get famous!"

The crowd gasped at Amanda's outburst and started to call her out, booing her. Y/N sighed before turning to the crew team who's currently on panic,

"Please don't turn it off yet. I want to say something first," Staring straight at the camera, Y/N continued.

"I normally let stuffs like this pass but this is way too much. From the private messages sent to me and up until here."

"I love him, really love him. And if I have to prove that, I would prove that to him and to no one else."

"Yes, I like Suga but I fell in love with the guy behind the curtain, Min Yoongi."

Y/N thanked the crowd, before walking out, teary eyed.

his.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon