Invisible Hearts (Sugamon Angst)

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Warning: Self Harm

Does he love me?

That is the question both Min Yoongi, and Kim Namjoon have. Despite dating each other for 3 years now, the two males both have trouble showing emotion. Neither one will initiate a kiss or even holding hands, and it's breaking their hearts to pieces. So much so that Yoongi is even having trouble believing he's good enough for the one he truly does love most, and Namjoon isn't even sure if the relationship is real. 

Yoongi laid down on his on his soft twin sized bed, wrapped up in all the fluffy, tiger print blankets he had just recently bought. His face was decorated with chapped pink lips, messy hair, and dull eyes that seemed to create a portal into a soulless void. Soft notes came from the porcelain lips, the notes formed waves of sadness throughout the dry air. Rocking himself slowly, Yoongi waited for when his boyfriend would be home. Namjoon. He loved him so much, he'd take a bullet for him. The only problem was that he was unsure of how to express his love toward him, and Namjoon didn't know how to express his love either. 

Namjoon ducked through the small doorway. He slid off his black leather coat and tossed it over the couch. Since he saw Yoongis' car in the driveway he didn't bother going to look for him. He knew he was home so he just went to the kitchen. To avoid breaking much Namjoon went for simple Ramen. He poured the boiling hot water into the Styrofoam cup, praying he wouldn't scald himself. The God(s) granted his wish and he safely and successfully poured the water. 

Yoongi  sleepily stumbled his way down the stairs, wrapped up in the fluffy tiger blanket that he struggled not to trip  over. "Hi Namjoon" Yoongi jumped up and sat on the kitchen counter, his bare legs swung slightly with the impact. Namjoon turned to Yoongis direction as soon as he hit 'Start' on the microwave. "Hi babe". As much as the pet-name made Yoongi melt, he wanted physical contact with him. Yoongi reached out for Joon, and all Joon did was kiss the back of Yoongis hand. 

When night fell Yoongi was already asleep in his and Joons shared bed. Since Joon was still up, yoongi had all the blankets to himself and it was almost his definition of heaven. All he needed now was Joon. It was 15 minutes later when Joon finally made his way upstairs and got into bed. Yoongi pressed up against Joon, joon fell asleep resting his hand on Yoongis back. Yoongi whined that Joon wasn't hugging him close, even though he could still feel the love. 

God I'm exhausted so I'll make a part 2 to this. I really tried to finish it but ya know, new school year and my job is a bitch! So yeah just wanted to update I guess. Ciao.


BTS OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora