Chapter 1, re awakening

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      Her eyes were heavy when she opened them, however, she was ready for where those unbeatable guards threw her.  She was in a prison cell, which she expected. Where else would you be thrown after passing out from head trauma in a intense battle with a few royal guards?

     SUPPOSEDLY royal guards. Why would she beleive them? Most people said so, but she was reckless. She fought the rudinn rangers regardless of there level of command. The attacks were too fast for her. As everything flooded back to memory, she gasped for the air she could not reach.

"How long have I been out?"

         She could barely speak with such a headache. The knifes the rangers threw were not sharp, however, they were blunt objects, so they did damage. As far as she knew she was the only prisoner in the dark room she was in, unaware of the short person standing right outside the bars that wrapped around her like a blanket.

"Hohoho! Looks like the clown woke up from her beauty nap!"

"YOU! Your the last person I seen before I got knocked out! where the hell am I ?"

She spoke with confusion, forgetful that he was the Prince of the dark world.

"Well tape my packages! Your in my house. The Card castle!"

"Wow. Your much shorter up close. I had no idea you were a kid with that mighty intimidating voice you have."

"Wow! Really? You think it sounds intimidating? I guess it's working then-"

"Good luck scaring people kid."

She cut the Prince off unable to stand his irritating voice and laugh.

"Good god kid. Your making my headache have a headache."

He didn't know what to sa y. To insult or apologize. He did what he automatically told himself to do.

"Oh. I'm sorry lady, my name is Lancer! Prince of the-"

"Yeah yeah you almighty power Lord. I heard the legend."

"Well I thought I would reassure you that I'm cool! Because I am! I'm cool! I'm really cool!"

"Is that what you tell people to make them think your cool Lancer? BECAUSE that's not working either. Man, whoever taught you this stuff needs to come to jail right down next to me."

She made a small laugh while Lancer was astounded at her humor.

"Wow! I wanna be as funny as you one day!"

"One day kid. One day, you'll be as cool as me."

She winked at him as she tried standing up. The short ceiling of the jail and her height would not let her, so she huffed ; and sat right back down, next to Lancer. 

"Man, you must throw everyone in jail, don't  you?"

"You probably think that because you were easy to catch! Hohoho!"

He laughed at those words for several minutes before he lost all of his breath. 

"Whew! Oh how I amuse myself!"

" ohhh yeah kid. So funny. Your a total barrel of monkeys, a total tummy roller. Haha."

"So how does it feel to be caught by me?"

"Pretty astounding. I guess those stupid guards ganged up on me like a real number huh?"

She took a breif pause.

"It wasn't really  all you, you know. Those guards were the backbone of the royal capture of little old me."

"Oh. Your old? I could really tell! Hohoho!"

"Its just a metaphor kid."

Another pause.

"Hey, do I do get any food?"

"Uh... I dont know. I'll have to ask my dad."

Before the girl could say anything else, Lancer ran off to ask his dad the perilous mandidtory question of which the prisoner could  fill her empty stomach. 

She lay down on the cold hard floor, staring at the corners of the walls which had cobwebs without the spiders in between them. She guessed even spiders curled up and died here. A few minutes later, her headache returned, so she wailed into the abyss of the prison.

Nothing happened. She supposed that all of the other prisoners were sentenced to death after spending there lives between these old walls. She flailed her arms like a fish out of water and curled into a painful ball, closing her eyes. Not too much later she drifted into a light sleep, realizing she will be spending a long time here. With Lancer. And Lancers' voice.

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