Chapter 2, switching gears

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It happened again.

What happened yesterday. 

Just Lancer. Lancer and his annoying voice. Just being there. 

      She woke up everyday with a sore back and head. She had never been in prison before, so she was very uncomfortable with the environment of the old cell. For about an hour she just lay there thinking about things. And then Lancer would come in. Every day. And at about  evening time she would be fed a dry sandwich, but it was better then what you would get in other jails.

       The reasoning for this is because Lancer wasn't aloud to do so. He wasn't supposed to feed her anything but he looked at her as a friend, because he didn't have any others. He snuck a sandwich in because he wasn't aloud to eat at the big dinner table in the dining room because he was too hyper and jumpy. So whoever raised him gave him a mere morsel of a sandwich. Just a little sandwich. For a little Prince. 

      He would tell her every day about how his caretaker was really cool but they got upset very easy. So he was scolded a lot for not doing what he asked. He told her he was treated more like a "servant" then a "son." Then she asked him why.

      Then he told her he was uncomfortable of telling her what happened a long time ago. Before he was born. And how it hurt them really bad. And that's was why they acted the way they did. 

Then she she had a whole diffrent feeling to her. And she told Lancer everything was gonna be ok. And he cried. He cried very hard. 

     It happened every day.

Untill about 6 days later. 

She was very skinny now. And not in a good way. Lancer felt very bad but it was the most he could do. Everything happened of which happened any of the other days. Lancer would visit. And they would babble for hours.

         except it was a different subject.  On how he was obviously a demon and he was forced to be ok with the topic of sexual nature and how he was to be forced to have it when he was older. He was ok with it but he told the girl he felt awkward when the conversations went too deep, so he knows much more then any other child would know at his age. And the girl told him that if he had any questions or worries he could tell her. And he trusted her. And then they became good friends. That never happened on the other days.

Later that evening she received half of Lancers sandwich as usual. And they shared it on both sides of the bars and they talked some more. 

"Hey lady... you never told me your name!"

"Oh... it's Athena."

"Ooo! It's pretty! Just like your face!"

"Thanks kid."

A long pause.

"Can i still call you lady? Because  that's what you are?"

"Sure. I'm used to it by now." 


He smiled and finished his own sandwich. Then everything else that usually happened happened.

"Hey. Goodnight lady. Maybe I can try sneaking you a pillow tomorrow."

"That'd be nice."

"Ok! I'll try!"

He turned down the hall, but came back.

"Maybe I can convince my dad to talk to you sometime this week too. I think you'd like him."

"Ok Lancer. I'll TRY to look forward to it."

She laughed.

"Goodnight again, lady! I'll see you tomorrow!"

She nodded. Lancer turned back around and turned off the light far down the hall. It was entirely pitch black. Seconds later, Athena could hear the faint thud of the elevator arriving. Then the doors sliding open and shut. Then she felt alone again. As to every night. 

She thought lots of thoughts to herself. Such as 

I wonder what his dad will be like. 


I wonder if he really trusts me.

When she stopped thinking these thoughts, she curled up and fell asleep with her week long headache. She fell asleep hoping Lancer will bring her a pillow tomorrow, because the floor was not helping at all. 

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