music class

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         chase teaches noen how to play the flute.

[hi i'm rly sad and idk how to cope so i'm writing i
guess :/]

the familiar airy noise made noen groan. he had decided to join ensemble (music class). since he wanted to try something new, also, he really wanted to learn how to play the flute. but, it is NOT an easy instrument to learn.

the boy next to him chuckled, he turned his head. it was chase, aka, the guy he thought was maybe just a tad bit cute.

noen blushed from embarrassment, pretending that he didn't hear any noise come out from the boy. he went right back to his flute and tried learning the keys.

after a few minutes of noen attempting to play the flute, he slumped back in his chair. obviously giving up.

there was an empty seat next to him and chase was sitting at least two chairs down. seeing that chase was staring at noen, noen quickly got up and pretended to be productive.

at the corner of his eye, he saw the brown haired boy move down a seat, which was right next to him. he froze. chase then spoke up "no your fingers go right here." noen stayed silent, trying to follow chase's directions.

still, noen didn't get it. so then, chase reached out and started helping noen place his fingers on the right key. this gesture made both boys flush pink.

noen finally got it. but there was still one problem. he didn't know how to correctly blow to make a sound produce from the instrument.

what chase did next was nothing noen expected him to do. he carefully lowered noen's flute. softly grabbed his chin and placed his pointer finger on his bottom lip.

noen flushed the brightest red, he couldn't even say anything, so he stayed silent. chase was also as red. "y-you place the flute right here on your bottom lip and then you blow."

the boys stared at each other for a bit until the girls behind the started giggling and cooing. chase and noen quickly separated.

chase moved back to his seat, and noen finally could play his first note on the flute.

the bell rang, and the whole class packed up, and left. chase waved noen goodbye, since he was one of the first to finish cleaning up and putting his instrument away first.

right after chase waved, noen had realized he never thanked him for teaching him how to correctly play the flute. he hurriedly packed up, and ran out of the room. in search for a tall, beautiful, brown haired boy.

when he saw chase walking out of the hallway, he quickly caught up with him, running in front of him to catch his attention since he was too out of breath to speak.

"h-hold on... out... of breath."

it's been a good 10 seconds of nothing but noen's panting. but once noen did finally catch his breath and cool down, he muttered "thank you for helping me play the flute. i appreciate it. maybe we could meet up sometime and you can teach me some more. only if that's okay with you! no rush! just let me know. actually if you don't want to then just don't talk to me. actually instead you could just-"

chase giggled, pinching the smaller male's cheeks. "you're adorable! of course we could. maybe tomorrow?" noen sighed in relief, "yeah! thats totally okay with me.. well uhhh... i-i'll see you around?"

"definitely." and with that, both boys parted their ways, with the biggest smiles on their faces.

uhhhh this actually happened today w a boy that helped me with the flute. obvi he didn't touch my lips bc that's wack but he did help me n he did touch my hands so yea!!!

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