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               chase pulls a prank on his boyfriend.

chase was a decent youtuber, or so he thought he was. he tried uploading videos frequently, but it was tough also being a tik tok star.

the boy would usually upload if he thought of a really good video idea. but for the past few months he couldn't.

chase had just started dating noen 2 months after the lights out tour.

spending too much time with noen, he really didn't have time to edit and upload videos.

the last few days chase had been endlessly watching prank videos, but not just any prank videos, pranks couples would pull on each other.

like, "cheating prank on my boyfriend", etc, but since chase didn't want to pull such a harsh prank on noen.

he decided to go with the "calling my boyfriend bro for 24 hours."

chase had woken up to noen buried into his chest. smiling, he started playing with the smaller boy's hair.

patiently waiting for noen to wake up, he unlocked his phone to open instagram, and just had remembered his video plan.

today, he was going to pull the prank on noen. he wasn't sure how he was going to react, but he was excited.

approximately 10 minutes later, the blonde boy woke up.

"good morning!" chase beamed

"morning..." noen said groggily.

"i have lots to do today, i hope you don't mind!" the brown haired boy said, thinking about the prank.

yawning, noen softly said "yeah yeah, i don't mind!"

"so, do you want to get ready first?"


chase then watched as noen walked off into the bathroom to take a shower. so while he was waiting he would set up a hidden camera.

as chase was finishing up, he heard the shower stop, and he got ready.

he turned on the camera, and rushed to the bed pretending he was on his phone the whole time.

a few minutes later, noen walked out in a plain butterfly hoodie, and some black jeans.

chase didn't feel like taking a shower this morning since he planned to film, so he just quickly changed into a oversized blue shirt and ripped jeans.

the brown haired boy glanced at the hidden camera, making sure it was recording.

chase being caught off guard, noen flopped on top of chase, burying his face into his boyfriend's neck. softly sighing. "don't move! i'm too comfortable."

"okay... bro."

noen looked up confusingly, "dude, what? are you straight now?"

"bro! calm down, i talk like this you know??" chase replied awkwardly.

the blonde haired boy got up confusingly, but shrugged it off, heading down stairs to make something to eat anyways.

chase trailed behind, but not before taking the camera. he held it down as if he was just walking with it, and flushed. calling noen "bro" was so embarrassing!

noen got into the kitchen and just decided to make scramble eggs for them both.

"hey, babe, is scrambled eggs okay?" watching as his boyfriend sat on the couch, turning on some random reality show.

"yeah, bro. that sounds good." he replied back.

"ummm... word?"

about 4 hours later, noen was absolutely tired of being called bro.

he missed being called "bub" or "baby". and he NEEDED to be called those soon before he lost it.

while chase and noen were cuddling, just scrolling on tik tok, the blonde boy whined.

"chase! chase...... stop calling me bro i'm tireddd of it. absolutely sick!"

"sorry... bro...."

noen huffed, looking pretty upset, and pushed chase's arms off him.

"no! i'm serious."

"noen... please baby, it's a prank. for a youtube video!"

"oh my god chase that's so stupid? what type of prank is this? you could've of thought of something better? are you joking? this is seriously not that funny. why are you laughing? it's not funny-" the boy angrily rambled, quickly being shut up by chase's lips.

after the kiss, noen scoffed. "whatever."

"i love you!!!! i love you so much!!!!" chase cooed, getting up, turning off the now not hidden camera. then, climbing back into bed

"oh shut up!"

"okay.... bro."

chase ended up sleeping on the couch that night.

omg hi this is kinda gay and gross but i think it's lowkey cute?? idk... ALSO this is not edited <3

𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬. [choen] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ