online date

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                 chase and noen have a movie date.

chase and noen weren't the typical couple. yes, they loved each other and trusted each other. but one thing, they lived hundreds of miles apart.

it was obviously an "online relationship", but they often called, facetimed, texted, etc! they even met once too.

noen sighed, he was laying down in bed, waiting by his phone. he was waiting for chase to finish class so they could have their movie date.

today wasn't the best day for noen. his best friend had just dropped him, but honestly, noen saw it coming. nonetheless, he still had his boyfriend by his side so he didn't care.

about 1 minute later, he got a text back from his boyfriend.

loml 🥺💝: hey babe! just got out of class. i'll be home in a few mins. you can pick out the movie.

noen squealed. he was excited. he always loved calling and having these "dates" with chase.

but, again, it wasn't a normal movie date. how it worked was, noen and chase would go on this app on their laptops, pick out a movie and watch together while on call.

as "boring" as it sounds, both boys enjoyed it very much.

the blonde haired boy decided to watch the newest movie, IT Chapter 2.

noen got scared very easily, so he wasn't exactly loving the idea of subjecting himself to fear, but, a few days ago, chase had talked about wanting to watch it.

the small boy also decided to grab lots of pillows, blankets, and plushies so he can hide in them later.

while waiting, he got another text from chase.

loml 🥺💝: i'm home now!! calling u in a few mins <3

noen quickly replied to chase.

baby 💞💞: okay!! i'm ready so take ur time.

loml 🥺💝: yess!! i'm on the app rn, waiting for you baby.

and with that, noen quickly logged onto the app, and called chase. they spent the night, talking, laughing, and just having a good time.

even though they lived miles away, they still made it work.

uhhhhh yea i finished it but i'm working on a better chapter nowwww

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