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Hi I'm Sonic I am 5ft 7 and I have cobalt blue  fur and quills and peach skin.  I am in the car driving  to  school at Mobus High School and I am extremely nervous about  today as it is my first day at a new school.  I can't believe I got transferred to the new school  over a simple fact.  The fact is I am gay and I  just  realized I can't believe my best friend spread rumors about it at my old school.  I just need  a new start I guess but I hope I can find someone to be friends with.  I want to tell  you I can usually tell when people are being  fake  around me.  Oh there's one more thing  you  need to know I am a hero too.  I  can't  get any respect from any of my peers even though I've saved their skins countless times.   I just  wish people would quit playing games  with  my emotions. As I pulled up to the school  parking lot  I got  out  of the car and I lock the door then head to the office for my schedule.  As I head to homeroom  I hear a girl come  running up behind me but I keep  going to homeroom. Then I hear hey your  the new transfer student  right?  Yes I am I'm Sonic. Oh hi I am  knuckles. Oh hi knuckles. I  have  the same  home room as you ya know. Oh cool but I am not ready for homroom first I should  put my bag in my  locker. Oh okay  then I'll walk you  if you  don't mind.  I don't mind.  I have a  question for you by the  way. Okay  what is it?  I was wondering  if you would like to be friends?  Sure  sonic I'd like that. Cool.  Just as sonic and knuckles get to sonics locker a ebony color hedgehog walks  over  and  says  hey new kid you in the  same  home room as knuckles here?  Yes why? I  sittin with you  today.  Okay  I don't mind.  The hedgehog  walks in to homeroom.  Knuckles who was that. That was Shadow.  Oh okay  then I guess  I'll have to sit with him today.  Okay but be sure you dont let him push you around  to much he loves to be bossy sometimes. Okay I will keep that in mind.  Hey knuckles who's your friend. Hey baby  this is  sonic I hope you don't mind me walking him to class.  I don't mind but you know  how I feel  about you hanging out with boys behind my back  so just remember that. Oh just  so you know  I am not really into girls like that.  Oh  okay then I'll just leave you to and go to home room.  Okay baby but we are going into home room as well.  Oh okay.  By the way I didn't get your  name?  Rouge the  bat.  Oh okay umm I have a question for you two.  What  can you  tell me  about  shadow?  Oh I think  he better  tell you  about  himself  but I can say he is into boys like you.  Oh  how do you know that if you don't mind me asking?  He's  my cousin. Oh okay I'll talk to you later I need to go sit with  shadow he asked me to  sit by him. Oh  he did Hmm? Yes he did why.  It's just he never asks  anyone to sit with him unless he likes them.  So he likes me you think?  Yes I do.  Hey new kid over here I need to talk to you.   Okay  I will be  right there. I better go I don't want to upset him or anything.  Okay I will see you  after class  Sonic.  Okay I wonder what he wants to talk about I say as I head to sit in the desk he indicated.  Hey what's your name? S-so-sonic I gotta  say this before  I lose the nerve I t-t-th-think  your  k-k-kinda h-h-hot. Hey Sonic relax I think you are to.  Oh y-y-you d-d-do?  Yes I do but why don't  you sit down.  I'd lo-love too s-s-shadow. Hey how did you know my name? Rouge  t-t-told m-m-me. Oh okay  what  else did she say? That you were into boys like me. Oh well I am but I'm going to add to  that and say I never wanted to be with anyone like  I do with you.  Why you don't even know me?  I am really good at  reading people and  I  like  what I see in you.  Very cool  but  I  need  to  say I need to get to know  you  a little bit  more before I can be absolutely sure I am in love.   Okay what would  you like to  know?  I  get the sense that your  kinda a bad boy  alpha  around here.  I am but I'm not going to hurt or mistreat you if that's  what you're worried about. Okay I also kinda like  the idea of my baby being a bad boy alpha.  Oh you do  hmmm?  I do but you should  know that  I'm kinda an easy target for  bullies and rapists.  Oh well then how about I be your big bad boy alpha and take care of it hmmmm? Yes if you  want to that is.   Oh I want to baby  you sit right  there and don't move baby. Okay gorgeous.   Hehe back in  a minute  baby.  Okay I will be right here waiting for you.  Don't worry I'll have my cousin  look  out for you wile I'm away.  Okay I love you baby  I love you too babe.  Oyy rouge. Yeah shadow.  Keep an eye out for sonic  for me?  Sure hon. Okay I will be right back I just have to go to the bathroom for a minute.  Okay baby.  He walks  over to the  teachers desk and  says  I need to use the restroom teach. Okay here's your  pass. Thanks teach.  Your  welcome shadow.  He leaves and returns five mins later  with a neckchain and a ring in his  hand. Okay baby I want you to  keep  these on at all times baby.  Okay baby I will. He puts the chain around my neck and the ring on my right  hand.  I look at the chain around my neck and see that it's one of his dogtags then I look at the ring on my right hand  and I see it is a silver band with a heart shaped ruby in the middle.  Oh Shadow I can't  believe  you would give me  these.  Well they mean a lot  to me but  they don't  mean anything if I can't be around you.  Why we just met?  I know but like I told you I'm very good at reading people.  If you don't mind me asking why are you so insecure  Sonic ?  I  don't  want  to  talk about it right  here  but I live alone so why don't you come  with me  at the end of the day and we can talk?  I have to check in with  my parents  first but I don't think it would be a problem Sonic. Okay  I will drive you  home then we can go to my place  and  have a nice dinner and talk.   Okay sounds good but I wonder if you need me to bring anything for dinner tonight.  No shadow  you may be my big bad boy alpha but I am taking care of everything.  Okay I love you baby forevermore.  I love you too baby forevermore.

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